Open anchor points and corner radius
If the adobe can provide the functionality to remove anchor point and so the rectangle will be open right now if you remove also it will be a close object and one more thing if you create an open square with pen tool it restrict designer to give a corner redius. If you can provide my feedback to adobe XD development time that would be good for next update.
You can already do this in XD by converting your rectangle to a path using Cmd+8. Once it’s a path, you can remove points and open up the path. Hope that helps!
chinmay sharma commented
Thanks for the response but even though Cmd+8 will give you a path but selection on an anchor point and delete it will again give u a closed path just an example if I created a square and from the path, I select and delete one anchor point it will convert into a triangle same thing if I do in illustrator I ll get an open path and then I can select the corner anchor point to give a curve but in adobe XD it is not possible. If you know any other way can you please let me know.
chinmay sharma commented
Thanks for the response but even though Cmd+8 will give you a path but selection on an anchor point and delete it will again give u a closed path just an example if I created a square and from the path, I select and delete one anchor point it will convert into a triangle same thing if I do in illustrator I ll get an open path and then I can select the corner anchor point to give a curve but in adobe XD it is not possible. If you know any other way can you please let me know.