check and improve Italian translations
Italian translation is so dumb I actually had to switch back to EN.
IMO any italian designer would have told you that eg easing labels aren't something you wish to see translated as they reflect precise properties that you're already using (in CSS, JS etc).
Also, "Pila" as a translation for "Stack" doesn't make any sense because it doesn't translate the 'ordering' concept behind "Stack" and also because in Italian "Pila" only represents a vertical column of objects and the word commonly refers to a stick (or stilo) battery.
Please be sure to check the translations before the next update. It's great to have XD translated but not this way.
Thanks for your feedback. You should definitely point out any terminology suggestions in our Customer Support Forums so that we can get these in to the team.
Jack Torreto commented
I wouldn't say Italian is that stupid. Maybe the problem is something else. I had the opportunity to travel in Italy last July and I want to say that the population there is very friendly, although I had to communicate with the help of a translator. However, it is a very positive experience