keep audio from stopping when a new artboard pops up.
basically, when i tap the play button on a music app i'm prototyping, if i happen to tap another button or click onto another artbord, it will stop the audio. there should be a way to pause and play the audio. that would be very helpful. thanks!
محمد علي commented
Nino commented
I don't get why this feature has not been added yet.. I really need it for my game UI, I have a textbox which you can pull up and down but the screen stays the same. Having the audio cut off and start over again when you simply open a text box is very annoying
CS commented
Agree, it is a must have feature, we are talking here about user experience! it is essential, not a normal option that we can ignore.
Henry commented
I want to add a somewhat lengthy sfx that triggers when tapping a button that takes you to a new page, but I found that audio stops when artboards change. I would like an option for audio playback that lets me choose whether audio keeps playing even if you move to a new page.
jsharp commented
Agreed. Audio and speech playback should be able to continue between artboards (scenes, screens, pages, etc.). — This should have been obvious functionality to include before releasing it. We are talking about XD (experience design) right? Most interactions in XD require artboard transitions, and most real/digital/virtual/etc. experiences do not restrict audio/sound/voice when moving around.
WZ commented
Agree! I have a "time" trigger to playout a game animation and would be great to add audio to the visual time trigger that would allow it to play through the different artboards
lorcanux commented
~This would be very helpful for game UI. You would expect music to play over a menu, and contextually switch as you move through menus. It would also be helpful if when you recorded the prototype, it saved the audio to the mp4 file as well!
Anonymous commented
It would be great to have the audio action on triggers other than Tap. My first use case for audio used a keyboard trigger.
Also, it's disappointing that the audio playback seems to be interrupted by other screens. Without being able to play a whole audio file OR play audio on triggers like time, there's no way to do something like:
scan : play scan sound
auto-animate loading indicator
timer trigger navigates to error screen : play error sound(working on industrial warehouse software so sounds are important)