Set "Designed at" for exported assets when publishing Design Spec
We work sometimes on different resolution. And one design can be used for a lot of product. As AdobeXD are built with Design System in mind, it could be great to have the ability to modify the scale of an element when we want to export it.
Kevin Vavelin commented
Well, it could be great to have a little option at the bottom, where we can select the export format. As it's all exported automatically to the right format for the project (1x, 2x, 3x for iOS, etc.), specify the original scale when export could be great.
So, for example, we have a design create at 2x scale, when we export and specifying 2x before we click on download, the export scale automatically. In case of iOS it will be something like this :
Design is specified to be a 2x scale. So when we export, it scale to 0.5 for the 1x, etc.
It give more control on the design team and more indication for developers who will export the assets. No surprise like this :)