Flow view share link
Currently the URL for a shared link is the same between GRID view and FLOW view. Is it possible to have a separate link for these. Eg. https://xd.adobe.com/view/unique-id/grid and https://xd.adobe.com/view/unique-id/flow ?
Anonymous commented
With both the grid and flow view available for design specs, it would be really nice to have the ability to link directly to the flow view. Currently the grid view is always shown first. This would help my team and I when sharing design specs within the team since we generally focus on the flow view instead of the grid.
https://xd.adobe.com/spec/[unique-id]/flow/Using the second link would open the design specs with the flow view shown.
David Katz commented
This is something that I need too!
Rushing Haise commented
When I am sharing screens and not creating a prototype, more often than not I would rather link to the grid of thumbnails for all of my screens. This is easier for my team and clients to get a broad picture of what is available to review, and how those different screens relate to each other.
Currently, to use that link, I either have to manually type "/grid" to the end of the URL or open the link, click the grid icon, and copy the URL again.
If I am missing something or if there is a better way to do this, someone let me know! Otherwise, it unclear and takes a few extra steps that could be solved with a checkbox or a default option.