Name Character Styles
It would help a great deal if Character Styles can be named. Right now it is tough managing them and knowing which is which.
aldoso commented
Jakub commented
We need that! Managing styles and symbols is very hard right now.
It would be great if we could create groups (folders) for styles/assets.
For example, InDesign has a great style management solutions.
It would be great if we have something similar in XD. -
Anonymous commented
Scot Clark commented
With the integration with Zeplin we need the ability to define class names in XD. If you create a block of copy and then export to Zeplin the class name is what ever is typed in the copy block, for example I pasted lorem into a text block in XD set the character style and this is what the class name is when exported to Zeplin:
.Excepteur-sint-occaecat-cupidatat-non-proident-sunt-in-culpa-qui-officia-deserunt-mollit-anim-id-est-eopksio-laborum-Sed-ut-perspiciatis-unde-omnis-istpoe-natus-error-sit-voluptatem-accusantium-doloremque-eopsloi-laudantium-totam-rem-aperiam-eaque-ipsa { }
It would be better to be able to give the Character Style a name so it is added to the styles in Zeplin. Please see the mockup attached to the post.
Scot Clark commented
With the integration with Zeplin we need the ability to define class names in XD. If you create a block of copy and then export to Zeplin the class name is what ever is typed in the copy block, for example I pasted lorem into a text block in XD set the character style and this is what the class name is when exported to Zeplin:
.Excepteur-sint-occaecat-cupidatat-non-proident-sunt-in-culpa-qui-officia-deserunt-mollit-anim-id-est-eopksio-laborum-Sed-ut-perspiciatis-unde-omnis-istpoe-natus-error-sit-voluptatem-accusantium-doloremque-eopsloi-laudantium-totam-rem-aperiam-eaque-ipsa { }
It would be better to be able to give the Character Style a name so it is added to the styles in Zeplin. Please see the mockup attached to the post.
Fabiano Pessôa commented
katharine commented
Anonymous commented
Yes, Sketchapp has this.....
Eli commented
Very important, I have many characters styles on the panel and I don't know what is what. They all say "Roboto" seriously??
Mario Rodriguez commented
This is indeed an important feature:
Name, organise and highlight items connected to the assets.
Yasin commented
yep, would be better UX
Dominic commented
This is badly needed! Especially when having multiple designers on a project
Anonymous commented
I hunted down this page (the link inside the app wasn't working) via Gogole just to vote on this feature. Its getting so hard to remember which character style I'm after to keep things neat.
Juston commented
This is such a big deal for the transition between designers to developers.
I'll look for another request to also push the need to highlight items connected to the asset, when you click on the I don't have to make a change to the asset to see what's connected to the asset.
Mark commented
Especially the colors. Not only should I be able to reorder the colors, but I should be able to provide a name to them. We typically mark them as primary, secondary, tertiary, accent and can have as few as 1 and as many as 4 or more in each. It would be great if I could label them.
Anonymous commented
This is the same request and it has more votes: -
Rodrigo commented
I completely agree with this improvement. Please, make it ASAP :) Label and grouping them as InDesign it would be awesome!
Love XD! -
Joe commented
I would like to be able to name character styles to different heading names, etc. For example:
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, and so on.
Jakub commented
Not only label assets, but also being able to group them and rearrange them. I imagine it works similarly to InDesign styles.
Benjamin Alexander Byriel commented
This. Is. Essential. Screen based design is all about visual hierarchy, and it's pretty hard to manage one without being able to name style rules according to function.