Comment Notifications for SHARE ONLINE
First of all, thank you for a great product (even for a beta)!
I am currently working on a larger website mocku project for a client, I used the SHARE ONLINE feature that you provide. For small projects this works great as it is now, but for projects with many artboards it get's hard to keep track of when or where or by whom a new comment has been made - hence as the title says, it would be great with some kind of notification system, maybe some kind of simple color indication that a new comment was made in a thread?
Another (smaller) issue, was the fact that I had to ask my client to create an Adobe account to use the commenting functionality. Maybe some sort of Oauth solution could be provided here? Only very few of my clients are in possession of Adobe products (I guess that's why they are hiring me after all ;))
Hope you will take this into consideration, keep up the good work!
As of this last week, the owner and any reviewer who comments (while logged in with an Adobe ID) will begin getting email notifications. Email can be turned off or changed to a daily digest using email preferences on
Veronica Segura commented
Seems you are doing everything in a very systematic way. It is really very good actually. truly clarifies everything in detail,the article is extremely fascinating and effective.Thank you and good fortunes for the up and coming article.
Anonymous commented
Yeah i totally agree... it is very difficult to locate where someone has replied to a comment. I get the notification through the CC app but even then- i would rather, when doing a bulk of replying etc. to be able to have a little indicator on the shared app webpage... You say email notification are coming but- that will only help from day to day... sometimes i rather getting a bulk of it done whilst on the review page online. Hope this makes sense! Great app tho...
Casper Sørensen commented
Awesome Joan!