Anonymous commented
How has this not happened after YEARS of people asking for it?
CarlH commented
Another basic typography feature that should have been added a long time ago, still yet to be added. Dissapointing.
Rob French commented
As a contractor, it's pretty awkward when I have to tell my manager to tell his boss to tell the VP of his company that I can't put normally-formatted bullet lists into their website screen mockups that they're approving.
Rob French commented
As a contractor, it's pretty awkward when I have to tell my manager to tell his boss to tell the VP of his company that I can't put normally-formatted bullet lists into their website screen mockups.
atomicvibe commented
Jesus Christ, 4+ years and this basic functionality still hasn't been added?! Seriously, the more I use XD, the more I hate it because of its inability to perform basic operations.
Stephanie Stibor commented
We still need bullet points!!!!
Mr. D commented
I love XD but Figma got that feature. Can you please integrate? I don't think most of you understand how important list bullet are in many context of collab, notes and clients. This should not be in the backlog , it should be in development
Marcus commented
Basic typographic functions (even something simple like bulletpoints and indents) are missing in Adobe XD. To be honest, how are you supposed to design with this application if something like that is missing?
Tomas As commented
"Ant" But we have 3D ROTATE!!!
Ant commented
5 years in the backlog :)
Anonymous commented
Please add this!
MB commented
Why is this not here?? I've seen it raised well over a year ago. This is such a basic expected functionality I'm shocked it's not being prioritised
James Murphy commented
Seriously?! 5 years later and this feature is in the backlog?
We all know people do not read, but scan web content. Hence, lists are essential for content. Yes, there are plugins, but these are just short-cutting the solution. Native functionality is a must have for both bulleted, numbered, and even definition lists.
johanna commented
You just need to do Option + 8 (on a mac)
Jill DaSilva commented
Search "Lists Plugin" inside of XD and this will allow you to make ordered and unordered lists.
Matt Martin commented
Surprising to see this isn't already a feature in XD, would be good to get this added.
Fabio Basile commented
New features are added every day to Illustrator and Photoshop, with hardly anyone using them, but we have no ordered/unordered lists or justified text alignment in Adobe's flagship UI/UX design app?
Just reminding Adobe that what really helps developers and designers is not letting the little things fall through the cracks. The little things are the biggest time-suckers when we are in a pinch.
Steven commented
Please add this!
Richard Cote commented
Bullets and numbered lists are fundamental; this should be really be added as a feature, along with text ident.
For anyone requiring a workaround today, however, the following doesn't take too much time to set up and populate:
1. Isolate a sample line of text in a text frame, and set the text frame type of "Auto Height".
2. Create a text frame (or a graphic) for the a bullet in position to the left of the line of text.
3. Select both elements and create a component.
4. Duplicate the new component and offset vertically, one or more times.
5. Select the set of components and group.
6. Set the group to a vertical stack (with even spacing).
You can then drag-copy additional items within the stack to extend the list. When a list item is longer or shorter, the auto height frame will adjust and the stack will automatically re-space all items.