Back, foreward and home buttons when viewing online shared prototype (outside of the design itself)
Back, forward and home buttons in online share modus, outside of the design area.
We’ve placed a persistent home button and support left and right even if you have interactions defined. The back and forward button on your browser should also work now. Try it out and let us know what you think!
Arse Safaryan commented
I think we need to be able to assign Home button without wires because it gets messy when we would wire all pages back to home
Abdul Wahid commented
Keep "visible" Navigation button all time, at bottom page prototype.
Usually when there is no artboard linked together this navigation show's up.
It should be visible all the time.
"back" button should take you back to screen you came from. and "home" button will take you to home. "next" take you to next screen.
See also:
* User-defined navigation shortcuts in an online prototype:
* Navigate back/forward with arrow keys in online prototype:
* Choose from list / thumbnail view of all screens to navigate in shared online prototype: