Text input field with actions based on value
For prototyping and user testing, a text input field control would be very helpful. Bonus if you could apply actions to enter / submit based on different strings.
Reshma Mathew commented
Yes Please!! This feature will add so much value
Russ commented
Text boxes allowing input would be very nice, as would check boxes & radio buttons that can show (and retain) selection status, and dropdown pick lists that can show selected element(s).
Venkat commented
this feature will be awesome
Anonymous commented
Please add this
Anonymous commented
This would make this prototyping tool complete.
Rob Monti commented
Agree that this is a must in order to make interactive prototypes that exhibit more realism. Login and registration forms are ubiquitous, and it's not enough to just show them statically.
Jess commented
This feature is a must, so I no longer have to pull designs over to Axure in order to do my prototypes. Axure prototyping still trumps everything else because of this and variable conditions.
Anonymous commented
2 years since posted and still not update. This would be a lovely feature to have!
Ethan Danstrom commented
This would be fantastic for such an important part of software design. Please make the magic happen!
Anonymous commented
yes yes yes!!!! this needs to be here!
Anonymous commented
Clearly, it is essential
Tyler commented
Would love this!
Anonymous commented
need this feature.
Gino Rodrigues commented
Simply having the input is already extremely valuable for user testing, specially for user testing. I imagine that conditional actions seem still very far from XD, and this is basically what sticks me in Axure.
Anonymous commented
yeah ! this would be great feature.
Paha Keisari commented
Would be great to have this
Anonymous commented
Sigh, it's been 2 years already. Oh well . . . It's free for a reason.
Anonymous commented
When will this feature be available??
Olly Hayes commented
Has anyone found a work around this issue - Im building an app and want a form that the user can input name email etc. Can anyone help or is it definitely not possible?
ibrahim commented
we all need this feature