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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)

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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)


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49 results found

  1. Hi,
    While I am working at home I have two setups. One is my company's laptop and the other one is my home computer in my office. I prefer to use my own computer as it's just a better setup but recently I realized I can no longer edit documents created with my professional account (for work purposes) with my private account. Apparently I would have to upgrade my account to do so.
    I cannot use my account on my home computer as I can't log in to my account without VPN, which I cannot configure on my home computer.…

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    0 comments  ·  03: Share mode  ·  Admin →
  2. When switching to the Share tab, the share link should display the flow you are actively in (active artboard in a flow), when there are multiple flows. It is frustrating when it goes to the "default" flow and you have to select the flow you want to update, or you publish the wrong one.

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    0 comments  ·  03: Share mode  ·  Admin →
  3. Description of the feature
    When creating links, the default "view setting" is Design review, but there are five different options and XD doesn't remember the last one used, it goes always to design review. There's also no option to create links for several screens at once.

    Why this is valuable to you
    I use almost exclusively the "Development" setting, so it's very tiring having to change this setting every time when creating new links for several screens. Selecting several screens and creating all links at once would be a good work-around too, because it would apply the same settings to…

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  4. Please consider creating a standalone viewer, similar to how you have a standalone PDF reader, so clients can open local XD files for viewing.

    This is valuable to me for a number of reasons:

    1. My client (military) expects to have access to these demos "forever." Our demos cover not simply what the final UI for the final product will look like, but we also create interactive documentation for the product using XD. Over the course of many projects (and links and passwords), this is not sustainable.

    2. The shared version that the client sees via the browser often presents incorrectly, particularly…

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  5. I would like to have a default setting for files to export. When I insert an image it should always be "marked for export" by default.

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  6. When we click share and come back to Design mode, if we have a process circle like this we can see how long it done and avaiable to share.

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  7. I save the file in local data, and when I save it back in the existing cloud storage, it can't be overwritten

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  8. It would be good to see a timestamp next to when design work has shared with a client on XD. I can see that my team has invited the clients but I don't know when this was completed.

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    0 comments  ·  03: Share mode  ·  Admin →
  9. The design variables list is filled with "unnamed" variables that we can't name. It creates an extra step for developers to clean up the list given to them after download.

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  10. You create an element with a shadow with:
    X: 1 / Y: 1 / B: 4
    color: black opacity 10%

    When you choose to share your design in dev mode, the CSS attribute are available.

    What do you expect:
    box-shadow: 0px 1px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);


    Current display:
    box-shadow: 0px 1px 4px #0000001A;

    Can we have the rgba + this code color?

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  11. I often annotate up a lot of comments for developers as notes. If I then save a new version of the design I want to be able to update my existing developments spec link but I only have the option to make a new link. Having the option to select the prototype I would like to update would be best.

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  12. The grid page to view all pages on design review can get too busy when have a lot of pages/design. I would like this 'grid' page to be able to have sub folders. For example, I can have all my templates in one folder, Navigations and drop downs in another folder, style guides and UI in another folder etc. With my current project, clients are seeing 18 pages on this link which could seem confusing, grouping templates is a must for me to present designs more professionally. Would love this feature to be built asap! Who's with me??? ;)

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  13. Please make the share link always free. It's such an awesome feat that could go toe to toe with sketch and figma :(..

    But keep the collaboration premium :( Please Adobe Pretty please...

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  14. From previous outage and CC issues on May 27, It would be great if we can have backup plan when online assets, shared links could not be accessed.

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  15. The ability to allow someone with permissions (client, writer, etc.) to edit the content directly from the shared link, like an editor mode.

    This would streamline my agency's workflow when we hire an outside writer to create content for a site, or help the client insert content themselves, creating more clarity, and reducing back and forth.

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  16. I have a component with various states. When shared, any comments added when "state 2" is active, currently show up in "Default State" as well.

    It would be nice if comments stuck to component states, and were only visible when that state is active.

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  17. When I visit the link in User Testing Sharing Mode I first get this notification "Press esc to exit full-screen mode" It begins the user experience with an extra click that has been perceived as a nuisance. Why not turn this notification into something more useful for us facilitators... like a "start test button". How cool would it be if when this "start test" button is clicked" the actions the user takes to achieve their goal gets recorded (much like when recording a video in prototyping mode)?

    Just this one feature alone would be a HUGE value add for both…

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    0 comments  ·  03: Share mode  ·  Admin →
  18. When I share my access rights on a prototype and I select the option, invited persons only and users have sharing rights. I no longer have to accept and receive requests to view the prototype from invited users, I can accept or refuse those from people who have received a share link from my guests.

    Thank you in advance!

    Have a nice day and take care of yourself :)

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  19. Display linked list of Artboards on XD's Share view. Click a link jump to that specific Artboard's prototype screen.

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  20. In manage link page I have hundreds of links. I'm missing a way to track the source file - the origin of each link/prototype.

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