49 results found
Artboard list in Share Mode
Display linked list of Artboards on XD's Share view. Click a link jump to that specific Artboard's prototype screen.
4 votes -
Larger Comment Text Box
Can we develop a feature to make the comment section bigger? Our copywriters want to have a larger text input field so it is easier for them to write longer copy.
3 votes -
Contribute to library from multiple documents
I work with clients and design partners from different companies and I use the collaboration tools extensively. I even had to call support to fix my device because the XD files were over 1GB and were crashing the software.
Currently, I'm reaching the limit of the artboard size and want to share the library to new XD files in order to continue to contribute and grow the brand library of assets (as this is considerably smaller than the whole XD file).
So, I would like to have the possibility to set a shared library in a new XD file as…
3 votesThanks for your clarification! As you’ve noticed, XD currently has a 1:1 relationship between a source document and its linked library, so this is currently as designed. I’ve updated the title so that it better reflects what you’re asking for and will leave it open for others to upvote!
Remove artboards from a flow, even if it's connected to the home artboard
I am trying to create multiple flows within an artboard and can't find how artboards that should not be included in the flow are being included. I think this is caused by having shared components between artboards which makes the flow consider a screen with the same component part of it.
Request is to be able to remove artboards from a flow regardless of if a path or component links it.
3 votes -
Share single artboard without having to remove interactions
After reading this:
https://helpx.adobe.com/xd/help/share-selected-artboards.html#modification-of-existing-wiringIt's blindingly obvious that the way single artboards are shared is flawed and creates more work than it saves.
If I have a fully prototyped document but I want to share a single artboard from it, this involves either splitting it from the document or duplicating the artboard in question and manually removing the unnecessary interactions.Either way, it's more work than it should be while it also creates issues with consistency across designs and having a single source of truth. Using components, in this case, doesn't help as if there are any interactions in the…
2 votes -
Restore deleted shared links
Have the option of recovering a link that you have deleted or at least that the deleted links go to a recycle bin and are inactive, with the possibility of recovering them if necessary
2 votes -
Warning dialogue for flow link update
It would be great if there was a warning dialogue that's triggered to let you know that you're updating your link with a different flow.
Having lost about 100 client comments I'm hoping that's something that can be implemented.
What happened:
I have 2 flows that I'd created both with online preview links for client review. I wanted to update Flow 2 and selected the 'Flow 2' link from the 'Link' dropdown menu. What I didn't notice is that Flow 1 was auto-selected on the canvas so my Flow 2 link became the Flow 1 artboards. Which meant I lost…2 votes -
Smooth change of scale for mockups viewed by the link
At the moment, the scaling is chaotically jumping from too large to too small, especially when using the touchpad zoom. Please fix it and make it smooth.
2 votesThank you for reaching out to us. We are looking at making zoom in web prototypes much better than what it is today especially while using Trackpad.
Replay (Time lapse video recap of file from start to finish)
When you finish drawing something in Procreate, you get a replay (sped up of course) video to see the evolution of your drawing / design over time. It would be cool to be able to see this in XD to show how much goes into a file and how many people are involved at various stages.
1 vote -
view url
--- Feature Title ---
Allow collaborators on an XD document to view share URLs--- Why this is valuable ---
Designers collaborating on a document might be working in different timezones, which means that the owner may not be always available to supply the share URL. In such scenario, anyone collaborating on a document should be privy to this information instead of having to wait around for the owner of the document to be available.1 vote -
Share from the file manager
Adobe XD Share file management master. Quickly add or remove or filter shared files to individuals.
Quickly remove someone by just a single click on file listing.
1 vote -
Remember grid view reminder across sessions
Please , disable the "Grid View" feature reminder that pop EVERYTIME! you enter the shared mode area. - so annoying.
1 vote -
Highlight All Downloadable Assets
Highlight All Downloadable Assets in the document, and allow the user to keep them highlighted, and jump between them at 100% scale-view to see them close up, and make any one not-downloadable. The managemet of assets in XD in the current state not usable for professional design teams. It's too oriented to the individual designer only.
1 vote -
Pause timed transitions on web prototype
Stakeholders can't see feedback if the creative animates. A pause feature can help this.
1 vote -
Allow ability to share whole design file vs Flow within file
Why am I being forced to only share a flow within the larger art file when I try to share dev links? Im unable to unclick Flow 1 in this scenario. I want the share the desktop implementations in the same link as well..
Hope to be contacted by support with the solution. Hopefully this feature already exists. thx
1 vote -
Combine cloud share of working file with preview/dev links
Feedback and working file links should be easily accessible in one place. Being able to work immediately without navigating outside of XD into email or search through the home tab for shared files will vastly improve efficiency.
1 vote -
Create sections in shared prototype grid view
the dev team has been nagging a lot that they dislike using the xd link as a prototype tool, they mentioned that it's confusing takes a lot of time to load.
They mentioned that they prefer invision instead
But as a product designer, I do prefer XD as a design tool.It would be nice to enhance the shared link for the dev,
- ability to upload a single non-prototyped artboard to the link
- ability to upload different flows in one link
- ability to create/rename sections in the link itself
- ability to remove artboards from the link…1 vote -
Ability to edit documents on my private (free) account
While I am working at home I have two setups. One is my company's laptop and the other one is my home computer in my office. I prefer to use my own computer as it's just a better setup but recently I realized I can no longer edit documents created with my professional account (for work purposes) with my private account. Apparently I would have to upgrade my account to do so.
I cannot use my account on my home computer as I can't log in to my account without VPN, which I cannot configure on my home computer.…1 vote -
Share flow actively working in
When switching to the Share tab, the share link should display the flow you are actively in (active artboard in a flow), when there are multiple flows. It is frustrating when it goes to the "default" flow and you have to select the flow you want to update, or you publish the wrong one.
1 vote -
Share mode should apply last setting to new links
Description of the feature
When creating links, the default "view setting" is Design review, but there are five different options and XD doesn't remember the last one used, it goes always to design review. There's also no option to create links for several screens at once.Why this is valuable to you
I use almost exclusively the "Development" setting, so it's very tiring having to change this setting every time when creating new links for several screens. Selecting several screens and creating all links at once would be a good work-around too, because it would apply the same settings to…1 vote