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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)

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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)


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  1. Would be ideal to allow the user to add additional guides in the center of gutters, so that when you're designing something with no gutters, there is still a guide to snap to. Really badly described, but hopefully the attached will explain it better.

    Either that or the guides could have an invisible snap point in the center of the gutters.

    Am I the only person who sets grids up like this in PS?

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  2. When I make a symbol out of an object, I should be able to lock certain size properties. For an example, if I have a standard button saved as a symbol, instances of that button should have always the same height but with variable widths. In that case, I would lock the height attribute of that button so on resize only the width is changed.

    This can help with complex symbols too where some dimensions cannot be changed or the symbol will be distorted so the designer could lock all of them to ensure that future use does not distort…

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  3. To speed up work you could press for example "C" key and you have acces to context menu under your cursor. It could show different options for different types of objects.
    For example:
    1) Shape / shapes - menu contains last used colors (alt clicking on color applies it to border), align, and other tools. (example image attached)
    2) Text - menu contains styles, fill with lorem ipsum, text alignment etc
    3) ...
    It would be super awesome if you could customize that menus.
    Another idea is to maybe rebuild/add to right click menu to be more context aware and…

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  4. Styles/assets still need a lot of work but one feature I'd like to see added sooner rather than later is the ability to based one style on others like you can in InDesign. Make them better if you can because even ID's "based on" feature can be improved.

    Basically what I'd like to see is the ability to set a style (body copy for instance) and make separate styles based on this for perhaps different colors (white on colored box for instance). If I need to change the size, font, and/or style I would do it in my base style…

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  5. When added images to the repeat grid from my CC Library, I'd like my selected images to have a number show the order I have selected them in. Since they will fill into my repeat grid in that order, I'd like to double check the order prior to dropping them over.

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    0 comments  ·  01 : Design mode  ·  Admin →
  6. color coating art boards. So settings pages are one color, profile pages are different color etc.

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  7. Several times, I've accidentally deleted all instances of a symbol. When selecting a symbol from the artboard and deleting, it would be nice if confirmation were required before it deletes all instances of that symbol. If a user really wants to delete all instances, it's easy to do so from the symbols panel (right click --> Delete.) So I don't think this extra alert would be annoying, since the difference between deleting an instance and all instances is so subtle. When you are zoomed in close to just one instance and are on the layers panel (so you can't see…

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  8. I would find it extremely handy if I could change the symbol on one artboard only, to allow me to see how color changes are effecting f.exp. the icon.

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  9. Problem:
    I often need to design with the future in mind, I need to be considering the product several releases ahead of dev. When it is time to share designs with the dev team we often spend a good portion of our conversation going over what the requirements are for the current release. Developers need to make sure what is required of them for the next release and it seems there is no way around this conversation except to spend time just removing things from the designs which I never do because, well, time.

    1. My designs might include…

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  10. To keep my design clean and tidy I always copy my existing artboard with all appearances to the next spot up/down/left or right from it. I alwas have to take into consideration my zoom then to make sure the snap will keep my distance the same as from other artboards, while this could be done without careing about the zoom, nor using alt + drag.
    Part of the functionality already exist as when you copy paste exactly this wil happen, you cannot though nor choose the direction (always paste on the right from prev) nor change the distance.
    Of course…

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  11. Hey Guys, sometimes i want to copy the coordinates of a locked Item, but i have always to unlock the Item to copy the Coordinates. What about, when u change it to make the copy possible but forbid to change the coordinates of a looked Item.

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  12. After I've added a symbol from the symbols panel it would be a real timesaver if XD automatically switched back to the layers panel when selecting another element. This would remove the need to navigate to the bottom right of the window and switch the view.

    From my experiences, users tend to drag a new symbol to their artboard then manipulate it or another element, very rarely navigating back to get another symbol.

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    0 comments  ·  01 : Design mode  ·  Admin →
  13. Symbols should have the option of being applied to an artboard with their position matching a predetermined xy position, thus having the newly applied symbol appear in exactly the same place as it was when it was created.

    Currently, the workaround requires copying / pasting from some kind of master artboard — which is tedious and unnecessary.

    There should be some option to apply a symbol in a predetermined place, or position it manually if desired.

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  14. In Design Mode, we override symbols in multiple places - but sometimes forget to Update All Symbols along the way. Later, when editing the document, we can not find the latest update to a symbol, which we would like to use to Update All Symbols to the override. Feature needed: "find most recent update override to a symbol."

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  15. I'd like to either have a scroll bar or +/- arrows to let me change the stroke without having to guess a number. Also, if I do change the value by typing a number, I'd like that result to be automatic, without me having to press enter to see if it fits my needs.

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  16. Working on UI on embedded hardware, sometimes there are limitation about the colour spectrum that can be used.
    Above all, the RGB565 (16bit total, that means 65.000 colurs) is very often used. Could be possible to implement this palette native in the software and also in the export options?

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  17. It would be great to know the total number of artworks in our project.
    Exemple in picture attached

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  18. The ability to (key+arrow) move an item directly to a spot that makes sense, according to certain preset values.

    Eg. you could move an item always 10px away from another item, or directly center an item between two other elements nearby with just one (key+arrow) combination.

    See example below. Thanks!

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  19. 3 votes

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  20. If I have a layer selected and then create a new Rectangle object, I'd expect that layer to be created directly above the layer I have selected (or even below would make sense) instead its created as the top most layer with in the current group of layers.

    This is annoying because often the size of that rectangle depends on other objects in the group and because the layer is above them all you can see them if the new rectangle is going to be bigger them and it covers them up.

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