Settings and activity
2 results found
117 votesKevin Coleman supported this idea ·
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86 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Kevin Coleman commentedXD version
1. Create four art boards w/ an object on each.
2. Switch to Prototype mode and create a link between the object on artboard 1 to artboard 2.
3. Set the transition animation to None.
4. Create a link from the object on artboard 2 to artboard 3.
5. Notice that the transition type is still set to None.
6. Save and exit XD.
7. Restart XD and create a prototype link between the object on artboard 3 to artboard 4.
8. Notice that the transition animation type has reverted to Dissolve.Expected behavior: The transition animation type of None should persist across editing sessions.
Kevin Coleman supported this idea ·
XD version
1. Open XD and create a new artboard with the Web 1366 template (or any non-default template).
2. Create a second artboard.
3. Notice that the new artboard is created with the Web 1366 settings.
4. Save the file and exit XD.
7. Restart XD re-open the file and create a new artboard.
8. Notice that the artboard crated uses the iPhone 6/7/8 template.
Expected behavior: New artboards should be created with the Web 1366 template.