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35 results found
3,888 votesfeature-in-the-backlog · 522 comments · Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only) » 01 : Design mode · Admin →
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Stu Nami commentedHow does inner shadow take priority over the most basic of text formatting? We need this and the CSS output for Dev Handoff Share. Every quarterly update for XD contain features that still lack BASIC design functions. I'm baffled that the product owner prioritizes bells and whistles over core functionality. Adobe are you listening?
An error occurred while saving the comment Stu Nami commentedXD is not a design tool is my conclusion. Lacking the basic tools DESIGNERS need for Web and general Screens. It is more focused on Prototypes and is just slightly above average on that. Adobe lost its innovation chops after the subscription model and has become complacent as a result because they have the industry locked in their ecosystem monopoly. I've been using Adobe software since they were founded. Why they can't simply fire incompetence and hire talent with all that money is a real mystery.
Stu Nami supported this idea · -
359 votes
Several of these features already exist as separate requests that you may also want to upvote:
- More control over ligatures –
- All caps –
- Superscript/subscript –
An error occurred while saving the comment Stu Nami commentedWe design social tiles with fancy fonts that need ligatures, swash alternatives. We dont use XD only for app design! We use it for ALL screen design. So we need XD to step up its game for designers with commonsense features.
Stu Nami supported this idea · -
267 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Stu Nami commentedHave you ever used an iPhone Adobe? XD should have ALL the standard interactions easy to build.
On Hover
On Press
On Release
On HoldStu Nami supported this idea · -
76 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Stu Nami commentedGrouping components works in some instances. But try that with a Select Dropdown Form Element with a submenu that has nested submenu items that need to trigger the parent state where the name changes. Unless I'm m missing something. DO I create invisible hotspots in parent componentt on top of the submenu items to enable more than one trigger?
item 1 Item 2 item 3After clicking on a submenu item the word "Select" changes in the dropdown element. I am able to achieve everything up to the point of changing out the parent text.
1,774 votesfeature-under-review · 81 comments · Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only) » 01 : Design mode · Admin →
An error occurred while saving the comment Stu Nami commentedWhat is impossible at the moment is prototyping dropdown select form elements. I cant get nested components to target root component states. So one can prototype a dropdown and rollover submenu, but as soon as you make a selection it won't change the form element text because that element is in the root.
Stu Nami supported this idea · -
3 votesStu Nami shared this idea ·
1,594 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Stu Nami commentedDesign a website, or build a brand design guide. Then open the prototype in a web browser. Ya, that's why we need color management. Designers require the color profile to match where it will live. Web browsers don't support high gamut profiles. Adobe you have it in your other apps!
An error occurred while saving the comment Stu Nami commentedThis isn't about "Fixing" a bug. Adobe left it out deliberately for some reason and is ignoring the community on this. It's about providing consistency across the entire ecosystem of Adobe. Adobe wrote the BOOK on color management. Why is this something we need to vote on? What do you advise we designers do when we deliver a share link and the colors in the guidelines do not match? What do you advise us to do without color management? Design blindly? I have yet to find an answer to this basic question. And NO, we are not going to downgrade our full gamut monitor setting to sRGB because of many of us design for print and HDR video too.
And from I read no one can write a plugin for it either for OS security reasons.
An error occurred while saving the comment Stu Nami commentedI have a theory on why this doesn't have 1000's of upvotes. No real professionals are using XD. They all stay on Sketch. I live in the bay and I am noticing hardly anyone knows about Adobe XD or what it does. Sketch rules here. The main reason is we designers can't work on wide gamut displays and design with XD. No color management makes the web style guide feature a joke. Why can't Adobe copy and paste the existing color management from Illustrator?
An error occurred while saving the comment Stu Nami commentedThis is a SCREEN DESIGN tool. DEFAULT sRGB canvas with P3 support. This is the only thing holding so many real professionals back from using this software. And no; we dont want to have to switch our system settings manually every time we are designing for the screen. We don't have to do that in any other Adobe software. XD is the only tool as of now that does not color manage canvas to sRGB. Degrading. error occurred while saving the comment Stu Nami commentedAdobe. Fire your XD leadership. Hire someone who worked for InVIsion. And forget these worthless updates that do not address BASIC needs. 4 years and the app feels like beta.
Stu Nami supported this idea · -
1,962 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Stu Nami commentedFeature Started before Bullet Points? WTF? This is a feature best suited for a plugin.
956 votesStu Nami supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Stu Nami commentedI'm trying to prototype a simple web form dropdown menu. I can change the state of the dropdown button and make the submenu box appear. But when I try to make the sub-menu disappear on the second click it doesn't close. So we can only trigger one event at a time I presume? No way to add another interaction to the On Tap event?
129 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Stu Nami commentedMystery question. How many votes does it take for Adobe to care?
Stu Nami supported this idea · -
800 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Stu Nami commentedStop useless features and give us useful ones.
Unordered and Ordered Lists
Color management sRGB / P3
and Insert GLYPHS!Stu Nami supported this idea · -
237 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Stu Nami commentedCOMMON SENSE design workflows should not need to be voted on to implement. Hire designers with commonsense that actually use this tool so we don't have to wait years for basic functions.
Common hardly anyone is voting because they are bouncing to your competitors.
Stu Nami supported this idea ·An error occurred while saving the comment Stu Nami commentedCOMMON SENSE design workflows should not need to be voted on to implement. Hire designers with commonsense that actually use this tool so we don't have to wait years for basic functions.
994 votes
We announced CC Spaces in XD today at Adobe MAX! In a space, all members will share ownership of the document, which means people leaving an organization won’t impact your workflow. More details to come!
An error occurred while saving the comment Stu Nami commentedAnd why can't coeditors access update links? This is a pain when I am of work and someone else is doing emergency updates. They have to call me to update review/dev link.
or save locally, upload to the cloud as a different version, and generate a new link.
Adobe, this is a major Pain Point for organizations especially startups.
Stu Nami supported this idea · -
159 votesStu Nami supported this idea ·
170 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Stu Nami commentedIdea 1: It could use the component system where you can round trip a state animation from Animate CC (Active, Hover, Press)
Idea 2: Allow animated symbols to live inside Shared Libraries. Enable the ability to choose the trigger to start and stop animation. Perhaps using the Overlay function.
Idea 3: Make a component and an "Open in Animate" in the contextual menu to add a timeline animation to the component.
All in all, adding this integration will give Adobe Animate a HUGE boost in use.
Stu Nami supported this idea · -
44 votesStu Nami supported this idea ·
189 votesStu Nami supported this idea ·
129 votesStu Nami supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Stu Nami commentedAdobe Listen to your base we are helping you not only catch up but to surpass.
223 votesStu Nami supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Stu Nami commentedADOBE XD team. Look at what your competitors are doing. Figma, Sketch and everyone all have this time saving common-sense function. Does your team even examine your competitors? Figma uses this lack of function as a value prop to poach and choose them over XD on their website. Look at EACH point Figma points out where XD fails and respond to that before developing fluff no one is asking for. Take away If there is no innovation and foresight left at Adobe, at least keep up with your competitors.
296 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Stu Nami commentedXD is the slowest developing piece of software I have ever witnessed. There must be no care whatsoever for the needs of the designers. No Color Management, Now this? I'm sick of having to go into Illustrator to design assets. Disgraceful. XD if you are listening. FOCUS on DESIGN tab. Next release should be ALL design love.
Manually formatting bullets is killing our productivity time especially for responsive size text wrap flows. We not only need the formatting we need it wrapped in a list tag for CSS output.