Settings and activity
4 results found
141 votesPatrick Whittingham supported this idea ·
1,111 votesfeature-under-review · 49 comments · Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only) » 01 : Design mode · Admin →Patrick Whittingham supported this idea ·
216 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Patrick Whittingham commentedIt would be nice to allow the width & height of artboard, objects, images, and components to be set to auto. This would work like CSS so that one can create a site for any phone, tablet or desktop and those items (ie, component) would fill the screen accordingly. Currently, the artboard is width/height are hardcoded and only works for one size (ie, iPhone 6/7/8). A true responsive design would make XD very useful. I can send a mobile portrait (ie, URL) to allow one to see my design regardless if the phone is a iPhone SE, iPhone 10, and any Android vendor.
Patrick Whittingham supported this idea · -
2,720 votesfeature-under-review · 108 comments · Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only) » 02 : Prototype mode · Admin →
An error occurred while saving the comment Patrick Whittingham commentedI concur that using 'javascript' events should be part of XD.
DoubleClick, swipe, swipeleft, swiperight, swipeup, swipedown, rightClick, pinch zoomin, pinch zoomout - to name a few events.
This shouldn't be too hard if one just added these events for the designer and perform their action if the user does these events.
Release 1: Only allow to 'know' one event for a given object at a time (ie., Pinch Zoomin only and not all of the pinch events for the same object.
Release 2: All multiple events (ie., all pinch events) for a given object. (nice to have but Release 1 is a must) !
I would like to allow the percentage to the width/height properties (ie, width: 45%). Also, the following from CSS:
max-width, min-width, max-height, min-height.
As you can see these properties will give the artboards, elements, and components a more flexible framework. People will be able to see my mockups regardless of which smartphone/tablet they are using.
There are other properties which could be added, I guess you get the picture.