Settings and activity
4 results found
1,421 votes
We’re planning to support pages in XD. Stay tuned!
An error occurred while saving the comment Rich B supported this idea · -
316 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Rich B commentedThis is one of the most infuriating things about XD, it stops me in my tracks for such long periods of time trying to work out the most simple vector function. Today i needed to show a circular progress bar... trying to remove points in the circle... UGH! still don't know how to, open up illustrator to do a task that takes 30 seconds... sort it out ADOBE!
Rich B supported this idea · -
8,057 votes
Reopening the feature request, based on feedback.
Rich B supported this idea · -
1,803 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Rich B commented100% needs an export to PSD with layers and real text. As a freelancer I don't work with the same team, and so far not a single developer I've worked with has or uses XD, so the reality is I either don't use it or I have to re-create every design in Photoshop to pass the project on to a developer. So until this becomes a reality, XD is close to useless and is only of any use as a wire framing tool
Rich B supported this idea ·
It's been a year since the last update from Admin... this feature is a necessity working with teams. I get to work on so many projects as a freelancer with agencies who have their own team working on the same files, and our only option is to use Sketch or Figma so we can keep our own pages separately whilst working on the same project. I don't know about anybody else, but beign able to assign pages for UX and UI individually as well as additional stuff like inspiration moodboards and decks.