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555 search results

  1. Convert text to curves on assets on export

  2. Export text strings from Artboards to process then for multi-language support

  3. Auto height text resize should include line height

  4. Enable text edit on prototypes for content managers to make changes to the design

  5. Prevent pasting SVG into text area when an object is on the clipboard

  6. transpose also text not only image when adapting a horizontal repeat grid from desktop to mobile  ·  action-required

  7. not able to find the option for object-convert to path for text on windows  ·  action-required

  8. Embed text so that it's not replaced by a fallback font

  9. Masked shape should clip text on export to SVG  ·  feature-needs-more-info

  10. Labeling Character Styles and Colors. ex. "Heading 1, Heading 2, Body text" and "Brand color"  ·  feature-completed

  11. Override text or image fill on a specific instance of a reusable symbol  ·  feature-completed

  12. Bug: Always black color of text designed with Source Code Pro on Big Sur  ·  action-required

  13. Disable Get Embed Code option (text link) in XD when Prototype Contains Voice Playback

  14. Allow user-entered margins and padding around text boxes and graphic/shape bounding boxes  ·  feature-completed

  15. Show all symbol versions (text/image overrides) in the symbols panel

  16. Shared Style Guide within members of a team (Object & Text Styles)  ·  feature-completed

  17. Change the bounding box on text objects to reflect line height

  18. Outlined font should retain original colors in text with multiple colors

  19. Boxed Text with different size and colors within are not being able to be distinguished in designs specs given to developers

  20. Preview in browser for web fonts / render text exactly like browser will