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555 search results

  1. Esc button on Mac Touchbar should be available when editing text objects

  2. "Live type" / Typewriter animation that looks like user is typing text

  3. Double-click rectangle to add a text like it's done in PowerPoint

  4. Dragging text file into repeat grid with central Europe fonts not working properly  ·  action-required

  5. Automatically resize Area Text box height when changing width with responsive resize  ·  feature-completed

  6. Master of text: padding styles, margin styles, paragraph styles, character styles.  ·  action-required

  7. Fix text objects shifting during animation if they are not a fixed size  ·  action-required

  8. Interactive text boxes and microphone in prototyping

  9. Highlight text style in the Asset Panel when selecting object on the canvas

  10. Customizable bullet shapes (NOT simple bullet text)

  11. Dynamic translation of text in my design  ·  feature-completed

  12. Temporarily hide selection highlight when changing a subselection of a text element

  13. Visual indication if a text box has a library character style applied

  14. Horizontal-only-scale drag handle on short elements like text fields  ·  feature-needs-more-info

  15. Alt text for images and other accessibility features when exporting to PDF

  16. A text with multiple styles only the first one is show on design specs  ·  feature-completed

  17. Ability to paste objects copied from XD as SVG code to Text Editor  ·  feature-completed

  18. BUG: Text is showing with different character spacing.  ·  action-required

  19. Emojis in texts are not shown on prototypes

  20. Add text alignment as a property in the assets panel