Apply gradient to border/stroke
When I import a SVG file with a gradient on the stroke, it becomes gray in XD. And there is no way that I can make the border/stroke with gradient color.
I feel it will be nice to apply gradient to the border so that I don't have to expand the stroke.
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MXV commented
still not implemented??? wow... figma much better right now.
Kyle commented
This and text gradients (without having to "outline stroke") would be huge!!
Alexa commented
Please add this we need it !
Foo Fango commented
Here's my workaround:
1. Import your artwork into XD - I'm designing in Illustrator and using the 'Import' function.
2. Next, select the object that's supposed to have a gradient stroke applied (e.g. grey border).
3. Right-click the object and choose 'Outline stroke'.
4. Then, right-click again and choose 'Ungroup'.
5. Select the object one more time and you can now apply a fill with a colour gradient. -
Urska commented
What are you waiting for, Adobe? This is a basic feature!
Maria commented
Being able to use border/stroke gradient would be very useful for my creative projects. Adobe Illustrator allows this functionality so I am expecting XD could deliver it too rather than making me go back and forth with different software and waste time 🤞
DANIEL V COUTO commented
DANIEL V COUTO commented
Anonymous commented
This would indeed be nice to have!
Ali Shaatani commented
There is SVG, why care about CSS ??
Please make it NOW !!!
Carson Aggy commented
This is an essential feature that, to me, just seems overlooked in being implemented at this point. Coming from Figma, XD is missing some important quality of life features.
Sona commented
this is very important future please add that as soon as it's possible...
d grady commented
It's simple: the implication is that Adobe XD should be able to handle simple assets created with other Adobe products, seamlessly. SVG is not some arcane, proprietary spec. Frankly, I expect more from Adobe.
雷少东 commented
图形工具不好用:1.圆角可调性差 2.描边不能使用渐变色 3.建议融合AI绘图工具
Abdulrahman Sarmini commented
I can't imagine that ADOBE can't add this simple & important feature to their program. What the??! This feature available in Photoshop CS5 and not in XD 2021!
Abdulrahman Sarmini commented
WTF Adobe, this is a main feature!
Anonymous commented
I've been using XD for a bout a year and I've come to the realization that it's so far other design tools that I can't continue using it. Here is a short list of some if my pain points:
- PDF export is broken when using masks of any kind
- The online prototype preview is weird. Zooming is wonky
- The local prototype preview has zoom issues
- Components are a nightmarish waste of time. I can't stress how painful this is
- Icons are tricky and buggy
- Shape editing is wonky and you can’t convert strokes or type to outlines without using illustrator.
- States are supposed to work, but in order to get a working object, like a radio button, it takes all day long.
- No gradient borders or ability to add a gradient to your color palette
- No multiple shadows or borders
- If you need to export at hi-res, it’s super confusing and needs a lot of trial and error
- I would like to lock a layer so I can work on top of it… great. On no wait it still selects the locked layer for some reason -
Lawrence Patrick Dionisio commented