Logic in prototyping - conditional behavior, branching, if/then
To be able to prototype for usability testing and demonstrations there needs to be a bit more intelligence around how experiences are joined up togehter.
If clause example:
If user makes choice a, do x. If user makes choice b, do z. And so on.
When user makes a choice/clicks/fills in a field etc. assign a variable. Then allow designer to use variables in an if-clause to make decision which roots to go down.
Thank you :)
Moses Zuasola commented
I agree on this: another example is if this condition has been met go to this screen else go to this one
Eduardo Medrano commented
have conditionals depending on what the user chooses
Albert commented
Any real news on this? It's been 5 years since this was posted and the status was changed to "under review". Axure is still the top dog regarding this feature. It's a shame Adobe doesn't take their enterprise clients seriously.
parastoo piray commented
I couldn't believe that XD doesn't have this feature! I need this for the component status, so when I choose one status in the presentation mode and then go to the next layer, it can remember the status of the component.
Anonymous commented
I spend a lot of time creating screens containing scenarios selectors. This functionality would greatly increase my productivity.
Charlie Butler commented
This would improve the workflow significantly.
Jerimy Brown commented
Also, this feature has been under review since 2016... WTS? LOL
Jerimy Brown commented
Must have... Adobe, if you want to take over the market, this is your chance. Axure does this, but the UX community doesn't seem to care for Axure's usability. Sketch is fading a bit because of their Mac only approach, and Figma has grabbed a large market share because of their collaboration model. You get this right, release it quick and I think you'd be in good position to stage a comeback on Figma. Plus many of us would love to be able to use one eco system to do all our creative work ;)
Gabe Lloyd commented
Matt commented
100000000000000% need this.
Being able to set / get variables and branch based on those variables is essential.
Right now I have to duplicate entire flows just to allow a different outcome based on where the user entered into each flow.
All that would be so much easier if I could set a state and branch on whether it's one value or another.
Anonymous commented
As far as I know, only Axure provide this for a more comprehensive usability testing for multiple scenarios! Adobe need to step up their game! (It has been 4 years since this post and it have never been addressed!)
Kunal Sharma commented
This is really needed for user testing. Seems like I have to move to Axure.
Anonymous commented
Is there a status on this from the Adobe XD team?
Anonymous commented
This is the only feature as to why I’m moving to Axure. I need my portfolio to have high fidelity prototypes that behave exactly like the app I’m creating will behave. The big one is “if logged in go here”.
Andrea commented
Totally agree: if-component(s)-state-flow
If user selected different states from components on an artboard you can define for each state combination of elements different flows.
Otherwise when you send prototypes, people interact, they go on the next screen, and to the end users looks broke, because they changed and option (let's say a toggle button) that did not reflect their changes.
Nikhil commented
For example show different user image on forum page artboard based on the artboard it came from.
One more example is to show a link in sidebar in some special artboard based on type of user. If a normal user artboard is prototyped to this special artboard then don't show the link in this special artboard. If an admin artboard is prototyped to this special artboard then show the link in this special artboard.
What will it solve?
- It will solve duplicating artboards based on minor changes. -
Anonymous commented
once the feature feature adding UI field elements is out it would be great if the user can conditionally hide fields based on value entered - like for example if the form inpute value is "apple" then update the cards displayed based on this
Anonymous commented
This feature has been under review for 4 years since July 12, 2016??? That's a thorough review :)
Arnold Petersen commented
Axure is still the undisputed champion when it comes to creating prototypes with detailed interactions, logic and conditions especially to mimic machine learning or AI. I always keep on going back to Axure despite being clunky and outdated, it's because no other application provide functionality like axure does.
I worked with teams all over the world from start-ups to global enterprises and the amount of tools they use from invition to figma to XD, the list goes on... If one company can combine the power of all the different tools out there, it has to be Adobe, given the financial muscles as well as design applications history, they are in the perfect position to make this happen.I am not surprise that everybody is asking for such a feature, this will help designer to reduce reliance on multiple apps and stick to Adobe for all their design workflow.
Sam Spicer commented
One of the main things I love about Axure, and still use occasionally, for when complex interaction states need to reflect user input.