Enable timed transitions (not triggered by user interactions)
Enable timed transition, something triggered by timing and not by user interactions (e.g. a notification from a server or a splash screen going away in a couple of seconds).
You can now use timed transitions in the September release of XD! If you can’t see the update, select … from the Creative Cloud desktop application and select “Check for App Updates.” If you have additional suggestions for this feature, please file a separate request!
Jany commented
I downloaded the tutorial exercise and then I created the "splash screen", but then feel disappointed when I switched to prototype mode, because if I link the splash screen to the original home, then I need to click on the "splash screen" to get there. But in real app, it switches automatically, I feel it will be nice to have this feature!!!!
Tomás commented
+1 We need this. SomeActions like Dialogs popping-up are always triggered by a user touch gesture. Thanks
Seb commented
I'd like to add an extra timer capability. In addition to "After X seconds Transition to artboard X ", I'd like to leverage the Overlay feature: "After X seconds show overlay using artboard X". This would allow simulating alerts popping up after a few seconds.
Note that the overlay should be interative, so that I could click on something in it, to transition to another artboard.
Also, needless to say that animated GIF support would go really well with the timer feature.
Sam commented
Essential requirement 8•)
Seb commented
This is a key prototyping feature which enables the simulation of splash screens but most importantly, inline loading spinners (which will be enhanced by the upcoming overlay feature).
So imagine clicking a button which refreshes an area of the screen, and before showing the refreshed content, you want to show the animated loading spinner for a second or so. This is what a timer feature would enable.
Please vote if you want this one!
Steve commented
This would be huge in the short-time I've worked with XD. Would love this for loading screens and logins.
Harun Alikadić commented
useful for example when prototyping contextual help dialog modals
dvo commented
absolutely. It's critical in prototyping to be able to build in the timing of server response/interaction. I find this particularly useful when showing log in screens where it takes time to authenticate a user log in, or when performing searches where the results take a few seconds to be returned.
If I design my prototype without timing built in, clients have a tendency to have an unrealistic expectation of how snappy things will be in final build.
Stevo commented
Want to create a screen where users land on a page with a progress bar and have to wait like 1 or 2 seconds until he automatically jumps the user to another page. Just like Marvel.
Alvaro commented
Automatically redirect to...
Alvaro commented
A feature when page is loaded go to another artboard in a few seconds, seconds that the user can configure
Pete commented
yes please!
attila kb commented
This feature isn't actually a "feature", it's more like a missing core function that would make this app a proper presentations tool
Anonymous commented
I need this. Right now I need it to give the user a feedback succes notification to an action. As it is now I can make the notification come right after the action, but I cant make it automatically go away again after a short time.
Tom Fletcher-Jones commented
This is the missing feature I am waiting for in order to transition to XD completely for app design. I use this in invision a lot.
- A chat interaction where a bot responds to a message after a second or so.
- Progressing to another screen after an animation has played (when we have animations, obviously.) this can be used for 'success' messages, etc.
- Simulating loading or other process before progressing to another screen.
- Carousels / slideshows -
Michal Rosinski commented
I wait for this feature, because it's crucial to simulate any "saving" and "loading" process.
pablo commented
I would love to be able to go to a page and asign a transition time so this page can stay visible the time I specify. FOr example, I want to emulate a carrousel for a home page with images passing by automatically every xx seconds.
Josh Curtis commented
This would be very helpful for preloader icons or screens that lead into a new screen.
Traffic Bradic commented
Would definitely need a way to say "Wait for user click" or "Wait for X sec" toggle for each transition so it handles cases where you want to see transition states in your app (ex. spinner when waiting for some response)
Tobias commented
Perhaps going a bit out of original feature request here: would it be nice with a general "autoplay" feauture in preview mode as well? (Not just setting the individual transition to timing between two artboards, but for the whole prototype as a whole – in case you want to run it as a slideshow.)