Animate individual elements separately (custom animation transitions / microinteractions)
Support for simple animation.
Example: Show/hide a slide or push menu
This would enhance a demo and engage prospects that are familar with common application patterns.
Reopening the feature request, based on feedback.
Susi von Spreadshirt commented
Go for it!! :)
Nathan commented
I may be by myself here, but I am hoping for a companion app or maybe a interface to AE for micro-interactions/animations. Right now XD is on a smooth track (slow moving track but smooth). Slamming it full of features when another app can be leveraged could have adverse effects.
Дмитрий Волк commented
Now it is very important to use the animation of micro-interactions. There are many programs running in the fresh from Sketch3. If it was in XD - we would be happy.
svemir commented
I will start using this program ONLY when this feature is implemented, otherwise it doesn't have any value to me personaly
Anonymous commented
My idea has got be on your backlog. Basic geometry, but at the bare minimum symbols should tween all characteristics between artboards. Otherwise, it's lacking fundamental intelligence required in this day in age for ux designers. agree? good.
Cody King commented
WHEN will this very important feature be ready????
Cody King commented
So, the need to animate elements on a page is HUGE. Not just the need to animate page transitions, but toasts, buttons, tapped states, expand collapse, toggle, swipes, etc. I mean, you get it. There is a shitton of animations that we as designers need to be able to do IN A PROTOTYPE. there is not a prototype tool that allows for this, at least not with Adobe, AND it needs to be able to export actual code for developers to repurpose.
Jinto commented
While loading a new artboard, it would be great to animate individual components with independent control of the position and motion.
Vasileios Xanthopoulos commented
this is a prototyping tool and we need to be able to have on page interaction as well as the page to page ones that are already included. If we cannot show single page interactions then invision is more useful. This tool has the potential to be the future industry standard. We need, though, to be able to add hotspots, have/build widgets to show single page interactions otherwise user testing on the high-fidelity prototype is impossible.
PLEASE, consider this.
Ruben commented
THIS. Clicking the search bar in my app should make it grow bigger. Now I have to show a whole different artboard, or ignore the transition.
Brenna commented
This was the biggest thing that stood out to me as a MUST HAVE for the UX/UI industry. Much time and energy would be given back to designers and developers if they could visually communicate micro interactions as Peter DiBartolo describes in this idea.
Gustavo Fernando da Silva commented
It will be great if we can animate any layer, like Facebook origami does.
Arthur Healey commented
I would like a action field so I can add rotating icons or swipe menus.
Something that allows an action with out effecting the whole page. -
James Palmer commented
Sounds similar, merge it - but I still hope the cheque is in the post! :-)
James Palmer commented
Create a new mode between Design and Prototype called "Transitions" so screens can animate effectively between states.
State the overall duration of the transition in milliseconds (between screens) and the object transform of what it does to intro and what it does to outro so you can customise exactly how something appears. Very similar to how Flash used to do it from object timeline and behaviours from an onLoad event.
This would also solve the problem of wait on screens to simulate an auto advance if an ambient state to a screen has a given time to show. (Zero '0' could loop the ambient state indefinitely until an interaction is pressed)
This could be to the notion of every screen has an intro - Ambient and outro state, each with timelines.
Extend this to button press behaviours too for interaction (Press / hit / release).
This makes total sense in my head, so apologies if its a feature Tourettes rant... Vote for this ladies and gentlemen! I miss Flash!
Attached example - Hope cheques in the post Adobe! :-P
Daryl Walker-Smith commented
Every time I want to use XD 'in anger' - I get let down by the lack of this ability. then head back to Axure (as painful as that is)
Daryl Walker-Smith commented
Every time I want to use XD 'in anger' - I get let down by the lack of this ability. then head back to Axure (as painful as that is)
Roger commented
Pulkit Sachdeva commented
This is probably THE most needed, basic feature and its been in the backlog for the longest of times. Anyone from Adobe care to answer why?
Sabrina Strebel commented
I like to "animate" individual objects in Adobe XD an not just the next Screen. Hopefully this feature will come in the future and also that we can import animated gifs :D