Animate individual elements separately (custom animation transitions / microinteractions)
Support for simple animation.
Example: Show/hide a slide or push menu
This would enhance a demo and engage prospects that are familar with common application patterns.
Reopening the feature request, based on feedback.
Matt Talebi commented
This would be great, sad to say but true - I think KEYNOTE is a great example on how to chain animations together as well...
Zachary commented
In prototype mode, elements should have individual animation properties if the user so desires. Offsetting animation times to create more realistic cascade effects would be super useful.
Edward commented
Currently there exists no option to use custom animations as part of a static artboard without exporting it to XD, and since XD doesn't allow exporting artboard animations to gif format creating custom animated icons is pointless. I want to show how a loading screen would look as part of a kiosk UI but the "loading" animation I created can't be added to the kiosk screen without the animation getting broken.
Korsa commented
perhaps nested artboards?
Korsa commented
This is URGENTLY needed. Xd goes towards matching CSS properties. Yet Xd still lacks this capability to separate elements while being able to edit/animate them on their own. Sort of how a pre-comp works on AfterEffects or even maybe just like a CSS isolated class. Please, let's have this! ...Best! =)
Marcus commented
Why is this only 'UNDER-REVIEW'??? We need to START this, please, even if it's a complex task for you guys! Please!!
Neil commented
After using the latest iterations of XD I've realized how critical this is. Just yesterday I was trying to figure out how to show a single completed desktop sized homepage for a client and how the slider would work, interior custom hover elements, news slider, etc. I can't do it without having separate elements that I can animate separately.
It would be nice to develop animations separate with their own timelines and then bring those in as components and be able to call or talk to them through the primary screens.
Torbjörn Hedberg commented
Like Cris said, a timer trigger for component states would be great!
Cris commented
With the latest update, if we could have the Time option under Trigger (Prototype mode), would definitely help create simple animations without the need of a user interaction.
nati commented
I would love to have separate delays on each auto-animated element. Like this I could drop lots of duplicated artboards. This is a perfect example of what I mean ->
or this one I would have only 2 artboards -> auto animate on... plus different artboard sections / groups / elements would have different animation delay ... That would be awesome and a big help! :)
Anonymous commented
As a user, I would like to make a option to create a individual animation from a component, or an option for example right click and have a option like "animate group" and have a identical view as prototype mode. Also another idea is to be able to save animated components, so I could used on my future projects. this would save time on my prototypes.
Anonymous commented
This would be great to have! Flinto has it too! please Adobe add it! this super usefull, and it saves a lot of time.
Anonymous commented
Feature-Under-Review and NOT started ?????? Really? LOL Brutal
Xavier NoLan commented
i think the duration should be flexible to be at the same speed of a gif animation.
To have a smooth animation like gif images, you need to be near the 0.0xs . XD can’t do that yet. it’s limit is 0s-0.xs
JR commented
Sounds for clicks/errors/transitions would be extremely helpful.
AbdelGhafour Mohie commented
In Principle it's called "Component", in Flinto it's called "Behavior".
Adobe XD should've had it by now if they are serious about competing with other established applications. -
Matza commented
At the moment you need different artboards to animate a slider or something else. it would be great to animate the slider (klick on an arrow to have the second picture rolling in from the right) without duplicating and manipulating artboards (because space in XD is not endless ;-)
Just Call Me Rob commented
This would definitely be incredibly helpful!
grinvaldsjanis commented
As InVision Studio is going: need to make "states"(like local/inner) artboards inside a component. But they should be able to activate on all possible events - otherwise, it is useless. I was very optimistic when I installed XD, but then I found out that XD lacking quite essential features like flipping components, and this also. Still struggling with path/bezier operations - not intuitive.
Why Adobe did not take and remade good old Fireworks, make something in between. At least editing and tools here were simple and spot on. -
DigiLusionist commented
YES! Components that have their own timelines, as it were, would be so useful.
IOW, we animate the component elements using different artboards, and then export the result as an animated component in the Assets Panel.
This way, we put the component on an Artboard A and as we go to Artboard B, we see the component's animation independent of how the transition occurs (be it Tap or Time or Overlay).