Scrollable Area (not scrolling whole artboard)
Define a scrollable area within an artboard
This provides real-world app use cases, such as a table, slideshow, or iOS dropdown lists.
Hi everyone,
I’m excited to announce that with XD 30 we’ve added support for Scroll Groups. Try it out and please let us know your feedback.
Use these resources to learn more about the feature:
1. Tutorial:
2. Blog post:
James Green commented
Scrolling is definitely needed. XD feels very app focussed and for me this tool needs to work equally well for app and web design. I personally (and my team) will be using it for web design 99% of the time.
James commented
I think a very simple solution immediately would be that scrolling works within the bounds of your art board, nothing more nothing less, for the time being...
Yes, in time, responsive behaviour/ability to adjust art board size in preview mode, on the fly would be useful but just a basic tweak right now would be amazing.
Tara commented
Agreed, and have added my vote!
Quisp commented
Not sure if this is the same, but when linking elements from one artboard to another in the Prototype context, dragging the link from an element to an artboard that is off screen is difficult (as you have to zoom way out if the artboards are big such as for desktop). But when zoomed out, it is difficult to select the specific element to start the link from. If the canvas would scroll as you drag the link it would help.
Anonymous commented
Extremely important feature.
Erika commented
Couldn't scroll to art boards that are off the page with a pen tablet. Scrolling in the interface only worked for me with a Magic Mouse.
Dashanan commented
In the scroll feature, please provide the facility to mark 'fixed elements' that do not scroll - i.e. stay fixed in their positions. Useful when exhibiting functions of status bar, action bar, bottom nav bar, floating action button.
Anonymous commented
The application is pretty useless without a scrolling functionality.
Anonymous commented
Also horizontal scroll/swipe for off canvas stuff!
Q Manning Manning commented
Agreed on the importance of this.
Sean McNulty commented
In addition to this, having sticky headers/footers that don't scroll would be awesome. Also scroll bars
Cory White commented
It would also be nice to be able to snap to elements within the scrollable area. Basically two modes for a scroll widget: free scroll (like a web page) and anchored scrolling where swiping would auto center to the next item (similar to photo gallery widgets for mobile).
Tapas Das commented
Yes, need to have both Artboard scrolling and specific container scrolling. You guys need to have the scroll out fast.
pasxal commented
Making longer pages that are scrollable is a must-have. I thought I was doing something wrong when it didn't work...
Arthur Dickerson commented
Gotta have scroll content / containers that extend beyond the viewable artboard. Since scrolling is a key aspect in the experience within every app, I would like to be able to define an dartboard AS the scrolling content. Also, scrolling should be multi-directional, so if I wanted to simulate panning around an image, or a map. lastly, being able to define page-regions for the scroll window, so we could have a fixed amount of content that "locks" or "snaps" into view, for example: when you scroll, you scroll 5 items at a time....
Scrolling is HUGE :)
Muhammad Osman commented
Hi Daniel,
In the above case, I just designed a page which is about 3700px for iPhone 6 view. During the prototype phase the artboard should be locked down to the default iPhone 6 instead of a full artabord (3700px in my case). We should be able to scroll the design and link different callouts to different pages in Prototype. That would really be helpful.
Peter DiBartolo commented
This comment has to do with the entire artboard, for elements that extend out of bounds. I have another feature request for scrollable areas.
Daniel Wabyick commented
Hi Peter,
Thanks for the feedback! Its definitely a feature we are actively working on.There's a couple of ways to slice the problem, and I'm interested in hearing more about your particular use-case. In your case, is simply scrolling the entire artboard enough, or do you need to make a particular region of your artboard scrollable.
-Daniel -
Peter DiBartolo commented
Ability to scroll beyond the bounds of an artboard.
This would greatly improve a real-world prototype when demoing.