Import Photoshop / PSD
Import Photoshop file with options to select layers and/or artboards.
This would increase ease of use and workflow, so a user is not always switching between apps. Import options for layers, artboards, or even layer comps, would also cut down a lot of rework.
Hi everyone,
I’m glad to announce that we’ve just released this feature!
You can bring your Photoshop files into XD by simply opening a PSD file with the CMD-O command or by selecting “Open” from the “File” menu. Your file will automatically convert into a new XD file with your artboards, layers, and assets editable and at a high fidelity.
You can find more details about March release here:
Note that we bring in Photoshop elements and effects that can be mapped to XD’s functionality, the rest are either rasterized or not transferred yet to the XD file. Learn more about what is supported here:
Let us know your feedback.
Sherry Team commented
Please convert this photoshop file to XD file.
Attila Felix Albert Szenczi-Molnar commented
I have a question. Is it possible to re-import an updated PSD of a file I have already prototyped? Say for example, I make all my layers and design in photoshop, import it into XD, create my prototype and all, but then I realise that I would like to change the composition of an art board while maintaining the same elements. Is it possible to reimport the same photoshop file or update the psd in XD to match my changes in photoshop somehow? Thanks
Erkan commented
May i ask a question. Suppose we designed PSD file at 4X resolution. When we open it in XD it will be 4 times bigger than it should be. If we send for Developer the assets will all be 4 times bigger than it has to be. May i get an answer to my question? So do AI files. In AI iphone plus is 1242 px while 414 in XD. How will we change resolution while working on XD? Urgent question thx.
Hemal commented
This is Awesome!! Now I can use and customize PSDs by using XD.
Anonymous commented
I was able to import my artboards but see no option to import layercomps? Please advise?
TuTran commented
I want Adobe XD to be able to convert to .PSD (Photoshop) and Prototype Mode with more realistic simulation moves.
Anonymous commented
I do not have the psd option available. I dont even see the psd files when trying to open a file. I really need that feature working.
matt commented
I just imported psd files into XD and two items render incorrect. A: a masked illustration made in illustrator and imported into photoshop took the ask off the illustration. B: the line height of the psd text increased making it rendor as if it was twice the line height. At this point i cannot trust that Adobe XD will import my photoshop files with accuracy.
Anat commented
its working on PC as well?
jim commented
I don't know why I'm listed as having requested this feathure because this is the EXACT OPPOSITE of the feature I requested -- which is to export PS files FROM XD not PS files to XD. The reason I am requesting this feature is because most of the agencies I've worked at claim they need Photoshop files to give to the developers and that's why they can't adopt XD. If XD could export PS files that would negate that rationale and help to sell XD to the holding companiers i work for.
Anonymous commented
While testing, vectors being turned into images are messing up more complex logos on conversion as well, flattening them into blocks. (not resembling logo)
Anonymous commented
Why is it now required to upgrade Windows to Fall Creators Update? I cant update it and cant install XD update now :(
Anonymous commented
Tested, so far the only thing i noticed is that vectors are no longer vectors so they'd need to be manually replaced =/
Austin A Branham commented
Haven't tested yet, but this is huge that you guys have introduced this! Thanks!! My prototype workflow just got significantly faster.
Armando Scuro commented
works smoothly and nicely, only hassle I found is that on PSD any linked vector files become bitmap, but that is the only thing, and overall this feature now saves me lots of time
Anonymous commented
This is a straight thing to expect. I tried it with import, thinking it was already in place and was shocked that it is not an option!
Anonymous commented
Please, i need this :)
Bob commented
Yes, Please add ASAP. Until then I can't really use it.
Austin A Branham commented
Please let us do this! This would be huge for us at my organization
Raymond Liang commented
Our entire organization is looking to switch to XD and this feature is what we need as the last piece of the puzzle. We have tons of visual assets created in Photoshop and being able to open them in XD will save our life.