Support for Variable Fonts
Thanks for an awesome product and for valuing community requests!
I'm very interested in incorporating variable fonts to our UI, especially for navigation states where font weights change on hover without changing the character/word/line width. But currently I have no way to design using these fonts in XD -- all of the style variations are set in CSS axes definitions, not by specing a font weight or transform element. Adding the font to my computer does load it to my list in XD, but there's only one weight: Regular. No italics, no weights, no widths, no serif variation, no nada. How can I first imagine what the page would look like, and then tell developers "look at this prototype, but instead substitute all text according to these CSS specs in a separate document"?
Though this request highlights a gap in typography design, it also highlights two core functionality impediments that XD needs to address: (1) inability to base designs on webfonts, (2) CSS spec & markup. I know those are covered in other requests, but this request provides another support for the case :)
Lauren Grady commented
Wow it looks like this request started in 2018. 6 years later, many users would still benefit from variable fonts supported by Adobe Express. Many social media managers are stuck with variable fonts as their corporate font. Not being able to use Adobe Express to do the basic function of their job is a huge loss. On behalf of social media managers everywhere, please prioritize this feature request!!
Jesse Glade commented
Almost 2024 and still not supported.
Zura Jijavadze (zur4ik) commented
2023 and still not supported :(
WORX Designer commented
This is the future of typography and a must have in any design tool.
MarkR commented
Please support variable font tech, Adobe, please!
I convinced the team of software engineers, I work with, to adopt variable font tech, and I showed them how awesome and useful it is, only to hit a seriously huge wall, Adobe XD!!! I can't create a single mockup now, (along with other compatibility issues with Illustrator) because XD doesn't support Variable Font Tech.
Andy Farmer commented
Variable fonts supported in Figma and Sketch.
Anonymous commented
Adobe: Please add support for variable fonts. Our company has more than a dozen CS licenses and our Web dev really would benefit from variable fonts.
Стоян Тодоров commented
XD definitely need some UI updates in the field of interactions and animations.
Variable fonts would be a BIG step further in this direction. Just do so we can use them in XD!
Cheers Adobe -
Sophie D. commented
I can't understand why it's not supported by XD yet! That makes NO sense! I'll have to switch to Figma instead. We just switched to Adobe XD in my company (we were using Figma but the talk is to go back to Figma now after having bought the licenses...
Adam Twardoch commented
It’s essential that Adobe XD supports variable fonts. Otherwise, people will just switch to Figma.
Bon commented
Please support variable fonts. e.g. Google font Manrope, It works in other Adobe Apps except in Adobe Xd.
Bastian Steinhauer commented
how strange this is not yet supported
Luc(as) de Groot commented
I can't believe this is still not supported! I design and produce variable fonts (since the early 90s when they were named MultipleMasters) and can tell you that this technology is very popular within branding and design departments of big industrial companies. Most of them use Sketch, which has supported Variable fonts for quite some time now. Our current project involves prototype designers on Windows that are forced to use XD. Hurry up please!
Brendan commented
This feature is a must have for me. I personally think support for variable fonts would be a huge advantage over figma.
Anonymous commented
This one has to be a no brainer surely?
None commented
Please add support for variable fonts. We've spent a small fortune, thousands of dollars, on buying licenses for variable fonts, just to see that they're not supported by Adobe XD. It makes it virtually impossible to use Adobe XD for projects which includes such fonts (the only way is to create outlines first, but then we cannot design in Adobe XD, just view designs). Please, please, please add support as soon as possible.
John commented
Please add support for this like other tools in the cloud: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign...
Julius commented
I get tired posting stuff on UserVoice. Maybe I simply don't get what XD is for because all of the other Adobe products support stuff like this. Is XD more of a prototyping tool? Are we supposed to design in Photoshop and simply make stuff interactive in XD? I don't get it.
Rust commented
That's a shame XD don't support this feature. Please do.
Satoru Sakamoto commented
Please add support for variable fonts