Color Management (set color profiles)
XD should be a color managed application.
I'm not sure what the full context of color management is within the UI/UX industry is, or if it's something that many pay attention to, or if it's just left un-managed.
Currently a vast majority of designers are using high gamut displays to design. Our final output will however differ greatly without some proper color management implemented. If color managment is implemented, we can at least visually soft proof our design and colors to specific devices (ie: New iOS devices that support P3 color gamut), or older sRGB devices.
At the same time sRGB images used won't expand to the display's high color gamut, making them look over saturated.
(Currently using Windows Beta Version:
Paul commented
Mac/Adobe user.
Adobe XD was my go to app, could no longer trust the color I was seeing.
I'm now a paid subscription to Figma, would love to use Adobe XD again.
Rok Rupnik commented
How the hell am i supposed to know what the designs will look like in real life if the colors shift completely once imported in XD. It's impossible to work with such contrast changes. Whats the hold up?
Christine Gundelach commented
absolutly — kind of a little desaster having no color control
C S commented
YES please
Laura commented
i've been working in this space for over 15 years, essentially since leaving school and the management of RGB colour across platforms is the absolute bane of my life. Bridge has not helped.
Apparently XD doesn't colour manage - fine, so how do I make sure all my illustrator docs are the same as it.
sriraj commented
Yes please! Harder to manage colors and cross check with other applications. Would be great if implemented within XD.
Paul commented
YES please. Though been over 5 years.
Eric commented
How was this not included from the very start? LOL.
And BTW- for colors in assets to match hex codes from a browser (aka CSS), you should not be including any color profile in exported assets. XD appears to apply an sRGB conversion when exporting jpgs, but not pngs. Makes no sense!
Eline commented
Keisuke Kai commented
是非是非ご対応お願いいたします<(_ _)>
david stein commented
please implement this. getting harder and harder to not jump ship to Sketch
Nicolas Lemieux commented
I was hoping Adobe XD would be ready for professional use by now but this issue makes it impossible.
CypherPoet commented
Adobe XD is awesome -- and implementing this would make it much more so.
Mihai George commented
Hey guys, check this out: this feature is added, we can just set the display color profile to sRGB and we'll see the right colors in XD:
System Preferences > Display > Color Profile > sRGB -
Max Marcelin commented
This needs to be fixed.
Lea Enners commented
I am currently creating an app in Adobe XD (my first time working with XD) and am extremely disappointed that Adobe XD does not use colour management. I am now thinking of switching to another programme, because there is no point in continuing to work with Adobe XD. This should definitely fixed, because correct colour representation is a must when it comes to design.
Johnny lee commented
Kedrick Ridges commented
Yup. Just a big fat "Amen" to everything that has been said. Designing an app and website and exporting assets for app store previews, etc. and super disappointed at the difference. This has to be fixed. Please!!!
Marco Troost commented
I build stuff for the web. It's an absolute must that colors are the same in both a browser and in XD. This is very frustrating!
Niels Geuens commented
This should be the #1 priority for Adobe XD. The only workaround is using sketch or figma instead.
I used to work on a regular screen but recently i upgraded to a P3. This issue is driving me insane. I'm a teacher and i'm going to teach figma next year, it's just to hard explaining too these kids why they should stay in the adobe ecosystem.