Find and Replace - Text
It would be great to have a generic "find and replace" inside the edit menu like most text editors have. What would be even better is if you could select the find and replace function to use the current art board, or all art boards. This is super helpful if you're mocking up redundant content that has a slight name change between screens.
Donna Giles commented
It's amazing to me that there is no find/replace command that works in XD. It's a huge pain.
Kristin Knoerlein commented
I agree that a find and replace would be very helpful. I'm facing the need for this now and was hoping it was a feature.
Teera Chaowanaoonpol commented
Chris commented
How is it in 2023 that there is any app that does not have a basic 'find' feature built into it? It's so basic that it's not even a feature. On an app like this even having a super robust 'find and replace' feature should still be pretty basic. Head scratching.
It seems like all development with XD has come to a crawl ever since the announcement of Adobe buying Figma. And the year before that.
Enrico Martino commented
Oh yes, it would be great! Thanks!
Giovani de Caprio commented
Please! It will be useful!
RyanTV commented
There are so many basic application functions still missing from Adobe XD. Functions that are a part of the most basic applications for decades. Very frustrating 'Find and Replace' is still missing. Why? XD project files can get large and complex. Will XD ever have 'Find and Replace'?????????? Maybe it's time to find and replace Adobe XD as my go-to web design application.
Jakub McJabbo commented
Still nothing?
Team SAJJA commented
Really need this
Siv Kristin Herikstad Laland commented
Crossing my fingers for this features is coming soon.
Valentin Berger commented
this would make XD actually very useful for our company, so PLEASE
Shahnawaz Ali commented
We really need this.
Leeman commented
When is this function being implemented???
For such a SIMPLE addition.
I tried using the free plugin "Tool Kit" as it has a find and replace option in it but it didn't work as I would expect.
I also noticed that you cannot Upvote in this request as it is closed??
Probably best to move to Figma as there is a plugin to convert Adobe XD to Figma.
Nick Green commented
Dana commented
Very basic, please add.
Anonymous commented
Is there anybody in there?
Any basic software has this feature...
Andrew Arrondo commented
I can't believe they still haven't added that feature.
I found ONE plug-in but it was glitchy and did not work. It only had a 2-star rating.
James Ward commented
Though judging by the comments more like +2,877,937,02
Thien Nguyen commented
We really need this for large design that has many art boards! Hard to navigate and look for things atm
Kelsey Brasher commented
We still need this!