Tap/Hover Effect
Need Little bit tapping/hover effect on list/buttons/links during presentation to client. Its give an actual working product feel and help to make decision.
rollover, mouseover
Tap & Hover functionality is now available in XD 24!
Cha Sindy Fiji commented
Dear Adobe, I have sent many a direct-email to customer services about the lack of hover effects but to no avail.
Can we please have some kind of update as to when and where this feature will be added.
Mads commented
Not sure if this is a deliberate choice Adobe? Why is this not in progress at least. We just got voice commands - that is pretty cool. But I would prioritize hover effects, as it is so basic. I need this Adobe. I need it in the way that I almost cannot use XD if you dont provide this feature.
Mads commented
Doing a prototype right now where I need to make a hover effect to make tooltips in the UI. Not sure if I can work around this. There needs to be a tooltip on hover. Damn. This feature seems to be one of the most basic. I love adobe xd, but this should have been done a long time ago.
M commented
still waiting...
Сергей Протос commented
still waiting....
Eri Levin commented
How is it that a simple hover is not possible. it's 2018 dammit.
Anonymous commented
Hover plz
gloria commented
How come voice commands were impolemented before hover when voice commands were not even requested? can someone please explain the rationale?
Anonymous commented
Let's Go on this One ! 🤜🤛
Gabriel Razo commented
Boris Simunek commented
We need this option for web and desktop apps! pls
Anonymous commented
please!!!! would be so useful for future prototyping in Adobe XD
Cristian commented
Please add the feature to produce tap/hover effect. Adobe XD would be the ultimate prototyping tool if such thing finally is coded. Thanks!
Monica commented
It's surprising how many standard features are missing. This is such a 1999 feature that one would think would come with anything web related.
I'm so super close to ditching Adobe XD for InVision *cries in making multiple artboards just to make a simple nav menu* :-( -
Anonymous commented
Really need this feature to be able to present prototypes to customers..
Anonymous commented
You can do this Adobe! Pleaaaaaase!
Cha Sindy Fiji commented
I suspect that hover effects won't even be considered until summer 2019 as the feature remains in back and needs to be under-review before feature-started. Sketch and Invision is way ahead. Adobe XD will prevent you from designing desktop web layouts
Chase Mueller commented
I got an update for Adobe XD and was hoping it would be Hover/Mouseover states but nope..disappointed again. Can't wait for inVision Studio
Philip King commented
+1 for hover/mouseover effects on objects.
Ellen commented
We need to hover and active. Slide for elements and not artboards