Use CSS properties / classes to specify object appearance
Add unique CSS properties to object properties.
Things like Margins, Padding and un-even borders are not common for design apps, but it would be great to define them per object in XD, honor them in the design mode, and export them as part of the object css,
Chuck Howard commented
so we already have the "Fix position when scrolling" but it would be cool to be able to assign absolute or relative values to responsive items
Saad Jabrani commented
its been 2 year, why is it taking so long?
Matza commented
And it would be great to connect XD to a framework like bootstrap, vuetify … So instead of drawing a button in the style and size the framework provides just type in the css
<v-btn depressed small color="primary">Buttontext</v-btn> (vuetify-Framework)
and the button appears!!! -
Aaron commented
+++1 @Edu's suggestion to scope styles to artboards.
Edu Couchez commented
Absolutely agree... In fact, I imagine it like a surgical removing of Dreamweaver's HTML rendering engine, and implant it to XD. Even more... I'd add SASS/LESS pre-processor capabilities to create classes and CSS hierarchy based on art board names/id. I mean, start mock up design right with real styles that could be exported to the front end development pipeline (and viceversa... update styles if somebody adds a change in any external IDE.
Sophie commented
After discussion with our front developers , what would be useful for us is:
1. The creation of an export file with variables: colors, fonts ...
2. Generate image sprit of the entire project or be able to do it alone
3. Consider including bootstrap classes, if a code export is done -
Zack commented
Just made a tool which can export css via SVG files, we can export our artboards to SVGs (embed) format via XD, and drag the SVGs to this link, then we can get the functionality just like Zeplin!
Raylin Aquino commented
Please add it up, because I have to use Zeplin for export my css, assets measurements, etc, It's a headache
ZN commented
Armando Scuro commented
while I as a designer find no need for this at the moment, developers whom I have shared specs link with had some issues translating my web design to code due to absence of padding/margins.
Moreover, adding padding to clickable elements is needed when I want an item to be have a more clickable space -
Scot Clark commented
With the recent connectivity to Zeplins direct integration, there is one glaring problem with the extraction of CSS. Class names. If you have a block of copy the class name that appears in the snippet window is the entire block of copy as the Class name. When it should be something semantic like class="body_copy". I have a short lorem ipsum in a layout for testing and this is the class name that shows up in Zeplin.
.Excepteur-sint-occaecat-cupidatat-non-proident-sunt-in-culpa-qui-officia-deserunt-mollit-anim-id-est-eopksio-laborum-Sed-ut-perspiciatis-unde-omnis-istpoe-natus-error-sit-voluptatem-accusantium-doloremque-eopsloi-laudantium-totam-rem-aperiam-eaque-ipsa { }
I would like to define the class name in association with my Character or Paragraph Styles or with an Adobe Library. How bout we make that happen real quick like?
Martin Kováč commented
nico commented
Anuar Bolatov commented
That's an awesome idea. Would be cool if we could use nesting and add variables, basically Sass :)
Adam Trabold commented
Yeah, this would be awesome. The ability to just change the text inside a button and have it auto-resize to fit properly would be
Cristian Moisei commented
This would truly be a revolutionary feature. Not being able to set 'rules' (i.e. all buttons have 20px margin-top) is one of the biggest limitations of design software and would make things so much easier and consistent.
If a language like CSS can be used to style things, that would also have the added benefit of making developer handover easier.
Michel Tobon commented
If I have already a set of CSS attributes, I would like XD to read those and apply my CSS to a certain element.
This would allow companies that have a defined design to create their UI Kits faster.
Anonymous commented
Came here just to suggest the exact same thing.
Matza commented
Xd should work like CSS! In InDesign I can!
Thomas Hallgren commented
As a designer, I would like to define <h> and <p> tags (text style, color size/weight) and button sizes across an entire design with responsive versioning.