14 results found
Layers : leave them out!!
I want you to continue on the path of leaving layers out of XD. Layers are NOT needed. You've already proved they have no solid use cases in UX design to me and everyone I work with. We've totally adopted your product into our workflow already and layers would add unnecessary complication to the workflow. Keep it simple! Great work by the way!
23 votesBased on a long research, we are building Layers to support some use cases, such as symbols, exporting and organizing complex compositions. We will do this via a concept called Local Layers. If you don’t want them at all, you will be able to hide the layers panel and they won’t bother you. Thanks for the sincere feedback.
Bring back system color picker as an option
Now all my color sets I've made in the system color picker for using in many other different apps are unavailable in Adobe XD. That was not very good idea. Additional little button to call the system color picker within the standard color picker panel would be appreciated.
11 votesThanks for your feedback on this. We’re pretty set on having our custom color picker instead of the system color picker at this point. Please feel free to re-file if you feel strongly about it.
Look at illustrator, look at photoshop, look at sketch
Look at illustrator, look at photoshop, look at sketch.
We're missing the most basic of features at the moment, some of which adobe has built in the past.
- Aligning to section, canvas or document
- Right click context menu
- Keyboard shortcuts that make sense
- Snapping
- Rulers
Designers like to be precise with measuring, something which at the moment, is not an easy task.
Also, being unitless, what does '7' mean on a rounded corner? This ambiguity when going from design to code is something that could be addressed
8 votesThis is a collection of feature requests, not a single feature request. (will close it for now, feel free to submit individual requests).
We are constantly talking to customers who use different tools and learning from it. But we are also spending a lot of energy thinking what tools are necessary, if they fit and if we can create something new that makes sense and improves your life as a designer. Stay tuned for more and more updates in our monthly releases.
Some updates:
- Aligning to section, canvas or document (feature-in-the-backlog)
- Right click context menu (feature-completed) will be available in the April build
- Keyboard shortcuts that make sense (feature-in-the-backlog)
- Snapping (feature-completed) what else do you need for snapping?
- Rulers (feature-in-the-backlog)Thanks a lot for your feedback.
Zoom slider control
I like to have a zoom slider next to the magnifying glass when working on desktop.
Especially since i use keyboard and mouse i dont have access to a touch pad at this point – a slider would help me smoothly pan in / out at the zoom levels more seamless than +/- steps as well as percentage steps/custom valuess.
Similar to the zoom level found in Apple Photos app as well as in Finder (if enabled) for thumbnails.
It will add a quick access to smooth/seamless panning in/out of zoom levels for desktop users without a touch pad.
5 votesYou can achieve the smooth zoom via Alt+Mouse Scroll and Pinch-to-zoom on the trackpad.
We have also just shipped the marquee zoom tool, that allows you to zoom a specified region.
Read about the July update here: http://blogs.adobe.com/creativecloud/july-update-of-adobe-experience-design-cc-preview/
Tom (Adobe XD)
Solid text underline
Text underline was recently added to Adobe XD. The current implementation adds a space around descenders. This is not how underline looks in Chrome by default.
In order create website designs that accurately reflect how they will look online, it would be great to have a way to show solid underlines that go straight through descenders, as they do in Chrome.
3 votesWithdrawn as requested!
blur on zoom out
Not really a feature, but the blurred effect over the screen on zoom out control is unnecessary (and not that great to look at).
2 votesWe currently do this for performance reasons instead of waiting for everything to process before displaying to you. Our proposal is that the performance of XD is more important than displaying everything perfectly rendered at all times. While we would love to have zoom that is both smooth and perfectly rendered, it’s not possible right now without taking up a ton of your memory or making XD super slow when zooming out.
Hope that explains why we do it!
SVG text import should import into a single text area
When you import an SVG in XD, the text is modified as you can see with those two screenshot.
2 votesFrom the OP: “I am looking more into the code that creates the SVG and I am realising that is not an XD issue.”
Reveal in Finder/Explorer for linked assets (images etc)
As per Illustrator/InDesign/Photoshop/Premiere/After Effects, it would be handy to be able to reveal links in Finder, as while linked files show up in the assets panel, there's no way to go directly to that file in Finder/Explorer.
All it needs is a simple 'Reveal in Finder/Explorer' option when right clicking on a linked asset.
1 voteThanks again for your feedback! I'm closing this based on your comment that the behavior here was okay.
1 vote
Thanks for your feedback! We’re not intending to introduce this feature, so I’m closing this feature request. (However, I’m very amused.)
Color Transparency should reflect in the color value code
I choose a blue, then change the transparency to 50%; that is no longer blue, it is now a very very very light blue; I would like to see the value of that; otherwise there's no point in using XD to create color palettes, as I can't document the value other the saying something like " #245D97 @ 50% transparency"
1 voteThanks for your feature request. Unfortunately, transparency is a critical part of ensuring that developers understand what should be opaque vs. transparent. If you’d like to copy the actual value without transparency, you can draw a new object and use the eyedropper to sample your completed color to get an opaque version of it for your color palette.
Artboard width and height.
The Artboard width and height has Physical width and height of mobile phones. Shouldn't be the resolution of the phone. While exporting the screens in png and viewing it in phones. The resolution is small. Because the physical size of the phone and resolution of the phone differs. Just a small thought
1 voteThanks for inquiring! Unfortunately, this is not how mobile phone OSes (or developing for mobile OSes) work. Often, these devices have what’s called a virtual pixel or a virtual point. A great explanation of this is in the Apple HIG guideline.
XD actually supports this quite well through its export workflow. You can read more about this here: https://medium.com/thinking-design/protip-exporting-assets-in-adobe-xd-c586996de703
Hope that helps!
Open older Sketch files
I'd like you to be able to open old XD files as well.
You can open it if you add a newly added skecth file, but you can not open the sketch UI kit etc which you had previously done DL. (I opened the photo shop.)We are waiting for updates
1 voteご意見ありがとうございます! 残念ながら、SketchはSketch 43までファイル形式を開かなかったので、古いファイルを開く方法はありません。
Thank you for your feedback! Unfortunately, Sketch did not open its file format until Sketch 43, so there is no way for us to open older files.
Forget XD and develop Indesign XD
While I appreciate what is happening with the development of XD - MOST of the design features being requested already exist in Indesign - Surely the Techs can modify Indesign so that it behaves like XD is meant to. It will be far easier to shift thousands of Indesign learned users to an 'Indesign XD' forat than to try and learn a new application that so far doesn't even come close to the abilities of Indesign. Does adobe have a clear idea who they're designing this for? Because as far as Im concerned this is the future of what a…
1 voteThanks for your feedback! We’re designing XD for screen designers, and leveraging a tool like InDesign (while an excellent tool), is kind of like cutting an orange with a katana – they’re different tools for different purposes. While there are things in InDesign that make perfect sense for print, they don’t make sense for screen design, and we wanted to build a new tool to meet the specific needs of those designers.
You’re more than welcome to hit up the InDesign forums and suggest they add prototyping features to the product, but I think they’d have the same perspective: different users, different products.
Duplicated artboard added after original one in the list
This is just a minor improvement but useful:
I'd like that, when I duplicate an existing artboard, the new one appears right below the duplicated one in the artboard list (and not at the top every time). Currently its a bit annoying having to always drag it down to either the end of the list or below the one I just duplicated.
I consider that this is a more common use case and more intuitive than always adding it on the top.Thanks.
1 voteThis is as designed, as we treat copy and paste differently than duplicate. Note that duplicate will duplicate your object or artboard in place in the Z-order, while copy and paste will paste it on top. For more information, check out this tweet: https://twitter.com/elainecchao/status/788443280346415105