Interactions based on game controller trigger combinations
I use XD almost every day for wireframing and prototyping game interfaces for both mobile, PC, and console games. For mobile and PC games I'm pretty happy with the current feature set but I feel like there are a few improvements that would really help those doing UX for console games. Here are a few points, in particular, I'd love to see improved.
1) 'Combination' Trigger type for Interactions
For interfaces in games you quite often need to press a combination of keys, buttons, or key + click to open menus. It would be great if you could set an interaction that could be triggered by a combination of a 'tap' and a 'key' - eg. 'Option + Right Click' to display a menu etc.
This also applies to a combination of buttons on a single trigger interaction such as a gamepad. So many games on Nintendo Switch require the simultaneous press of two trigger buttons to start a game. But currently, only one gamepad trigger is allowed in XD, so that basic and common input cannot be prototyped.
2) Use the Analog-stick movements on a gamepad to simulate a 'drag' effect of a scrollable group.
Examples of where this is used, if my game has a large map that is bigger than the screen and I place it in a Hor & Ver scroll group, on PC I can drag my mouse around to pan the map. On the gamepad, I would like to use the controllers analog still to control that panning movement.
3) Support for Diagonal control triggers from Gamepads
So for example, instead of just Up, Down, Left & Right, it would be great to detect top-right, bottom-left etc. from the position of the analog stick.
4) Disabling default arrow key controls in the Desktop Preview
When developing interfaces for PC games, using the arrow keys to navigate menus is a must. While I know there are some hacky ways to prevent this from happening, a simple checkbox from the dropdown menu in the Preview (underneath the enable microphone etc.) to disable or override the default arrow controls that jumps you between artboards would be SO handy. The desktop preview is so quick when testing as I am building, but having to generate new shared links and disable navigation just to test those features is just too slow, not only that but clients and team members may be viewing that link, so testing it locally in the Desktop Preview is essential.
5) Support for Nintendo Switch and Xbox One Controller inputs within XD.
Currently (using version on Mac), I am only able to use a PS4 dual shock controller to input the interactions. If I plug in or Bluetooth connect a Switch Joycon or Xbox One controller it does not detect any inputs within the Interaction/Trigger menu. However, when I share the link to test the prototype the browsers do recognize those gamepads.
We need to be able to recognize the different gamepads (major platforms) within XD so we can assign different button triggers/interactions for different gamepad types all within the same one prototype file. As I prepare the UX for the different platforms support Switch, Playstation, Xbox and Steam (PC) I would love to be able to set those different interactions all in one document rather than duplicating it four times.
6) Ability to type in the gamepad triggers (autocomplete field) if I do not have the gamepad with me. If my fiance is in the middle of an epic Overcooked game and I have a UX deadline, I'd rather have the option to type in or select the controller triggers within XD like 'Playstation – Circle' without having to take the controller from her just to set that trigger (Overcooked is a stressful game as it is and I'd like to get married soon :)
Hope your team can help with some of these ideas, it would make the user experience for me so much better and improve my workflow and output dramatically.
Thanks for your feedback! UserVoice works best when you file only one suggestion per ticket. I’ll change the title of this one to cover the combination trigger, and I encourage you to file the others as separate tickets.
Klod Loft commented
I like games and I always relax here. I recommend that you read the reviews before you start playing. It really does help.
Kristina Miles commented
+1. I'm also looking forward to seeing the improvement from that list, especially Combination' Trigger type for Interactions