Select which component state to use based on relationship to artboard (flyout direction)
When you are creating an overlay it could be for different reasons. One of them is to create a menu for a combobox perhaps. In this cas it could be interessant to be able to say : "this overlay is a child of this element on my design".
Why ?
Because then it's possible to give a behavior to this menu : to appear above, bellow, one the right or on the left of this parent element. Or may be to have an automatic choice made by the system depending on you scroll and the space avalaible to show this menu (standart behavior for a menu).
Also it will answer another issue : when you scroll your overlay dont. :).
Thanks for your feedback. I think this something that component states will help you with and not overlays per se, as overlays are defined in relationship to the artboard viewport, not an element on it. However, you do have a good point about choosing the directionality based on its location on the artboard. I’ll edit the title to reflect that request.