Show Hidden Characters
Hidden characters and paragraph options are essential to my design work and they save up a lot of time. I know this comes from the print design approach but I still feels it's valuable to have more control on paragraphs rather than putting everything into a different box of copy.
Brandon Fox commented
I have a perfect example of why this tool would be a great addition to the program.
I am working on a website and when I sent over the developer link to my front-end developer, he copied that text and pasted like normal. But when I viewed it on my computer, I get an errant box that is not in the design.
- Snapshot 0: This shows the errant box that is on a live site.
- Snapshot 1: Shows the developer link content panel for one of the design.
- Snapshot 2: Shows the developer link preview of the content panel but does not show the errant box.
- Snapshot 3: Shows the XD program design that shows a highlight (in blue) of two extra spaces.What I think is happening is that instead of doing hard returns on these copy, I did a soft return. Much like the logic when styling in InDesign, when you style a paragraph that has a hard return, the styling stops at the moment of the hard return. But when there is a soft return, it ignores that and continues the styling until there is a hard return.
So, by having a hidden character functionality, this would have saved me the headache of realizing why those errant boxes were showing up and knowing what I needed to do in order to prevent that from happening.
alex commented
That would be great! In fact, other enhancements to text formatting would be great too! For example bulleted lists!
Anonymous commented
Absolutely! Crazy that we can't have different space before/after within a flow of text depending on text style