Artboard History
A list of all / last 50 changes done on an artboard.
Sometimes it becomes a tedious task to undo a few changes on a particular artboard after working on other artboards. This feature will cater to the need of artboard specific action list.
Richard-Alan Hollien III commented
Fair, much like comments, and you're able to thumb though the shared prototype web view and the viewer automatically jumps to a specific Pin.
For now I will have to inform my designers to publish their libraries, and pin a comment on the amended areas / additional component areas to then raise a flag of their edits/contributions.
Would be nice adobe xd if you automatically alerted, (or had the ability to alert) fellow contributors that an owner had made updates and to in turn point collaborators to those changes.
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-AdditionsI have to track 6-9 products, and their own UI/UX pattern libraries, so this author / designer log of changes, within a shared prototype would be huge for precise artboard navigation and tracking a designer's efficacy of work.
In the future I'm rolling the cherry picked components back to a universal library. It's much like Microsoft Note, or Word, Or PowerPoint. I can go back in time amongst the document revisions, but I can see annotations of what each contributor / author has worked on. HUGELY VALUABLE.
This would circumvent my need, and BS workaround of using Abstract.
Zany commented
I renamed my artboards, and the comments pinned by my creative team on shared link were unable to be mapped because of renaming my artboards. I was wondering if I had a history just like photoshop, where I could keep a track of changes made.
Boubakri Chedi commented
The ideas is to have the possibility to undo actions for every artboard separately