Multi-line artboard titles
It would be awesome if there was a way to allow for large captions anchored to each artboard, that would stay linked when moving/rearranging the artboard.
Maybe if the artboard title allowed for a new line to be entered (Shift + Return?), that would even help.
When I'm planning out a feature, I'll frequently add captions above each artboard in huge text with notes as to what should happen in the view. Since my captions are outside of the artboards' bounds, there's no way to link or lock them to that artboard, making it hard to keep everything together when rearranging.
The artboard title only allows for one line of text, which gets ellipsis-ed when you zoom out too far, so it doesn't allow for the level of detail I'd like. (But at least it stays anchored to the artboard.)
Thanks for reading!