Outer Margin for Groups and Components
The new padding feature is cool, but a little too limited. I’d like for it to be able to adjust padding for the outside of groups/components in order to help with building design systems.
For example, when I build a website, a page is often made up of smaller sections (components). I would like to be able to define margin on those components so that each one has an even amount of spacing between the next. That way if I update the height of any of those components or change content that affects its size, components around that one will move to keep the margin consistent.
This could also be very beneficial with responsive resize as it would update the sizing of components to increase and decrease their width and height based on art board size. Yet another step toward fully responsive design.
We’ve added in the Stacks feature recently, which should meet this need. Check it out here: https://youtu.be/7IxByjfrVwY