Lock asymmetric radii on rectangles
When I use radius 0 10 10 10 for example, I wish to have option to lock the corners separately, so when I use handle to adjust the locked one doesn't change.
BLACKR4INBOW commented
Hello Adobe (and Jacob!),
What you're asking for is grouped handle control over corner radii.
This is a reasonable request, but I worry about how this may end up being implemented given how products have evolved lately.
Please don't implement this as a locking system as proposed.
More and more we are seeing the loss of parity between Adobe products and how they behave and are controlled.
This is creating frustrating issues for seasoned users who use multiple products, as we have to constantly change the way we use similar tools between different programs.
The proper way to implement this is through independent handle selection.
This is in line with how Illustrator currently works, which will strengthen parity between tools across different programs. As a side benefit, this won't require extra UI icons (i.e. locked icons), therefore keeping the UI/tool cleaner and less cluttered.
Jacob, the way this would work is you'd select just the handles that you want to change the radius of, and then you'd grab one handle and the selected radius would adjust for all the corners you've selected.
Thank you for reading.