Remember screens attached to share links, especially with multiple links in same file
I'm often designing for multiple user flows, and thought it would be nice to use the multiple share links feature to share separate links for each flow from the same file. It's dope that this can be done!
However, it's tedious and difficult to a) remember which home screen is attached to which shared link, and b) remember which screens were used in which share link. Sometimes one screen from one "flow" will link to another screen in a different "flow," for example, which makes it hard to deal with. Especially when making simple screen updates it's a lot of work to just update a thing I've already shared.
It'd be awesome if when you switched share links in the panel if it re-highlighted / remembered the screens attached to that link, and which were home. Yes, I could split flows into separate files...but dang, it'd be convenient if those headaches were just made easy.
Shan commented
Yes, it is very upsetting to update a share link only to find that it has been associated with a different flow (Automatically? By accident?). Honestly I think the fact that it doesn't work this way already (what OP describes) should be considered a bug.
Yerom_D commented
As i am working on a mobile app, i think i could be interesting to have the possibility to work on more that one prototype with the same design.
For example, if we want to demonstrate more prototype with different directions in a account login case. (one prototype for good login and another one for wrong login).
Another solution could be to have have variables or the hability for components to have different triggers in their states.
But i made a little suggestion to switch on multi user journey.
See picture attached.If it could help ;-)
Adam Trabold commented
Right now it just assumes you're sharing whatever "home screen" flow is setup / "live" on the artboard...which makes my thoughts/workflow definitely a shift, and may make it hard to integrate if there are new screens/the user is wanting to create a new share link...but i think there are ways around this.
It would totally work for my use case if the share tab defaulted to whatever is "live" on the screen, and only "remembered" if you selected a past link. You could have a selection for the "live" / default view to update an existing link, in case things have really changed. Otherwise, upon selecting an old link it could just include any new artboards that have since been wired up to screens in that flow.