Drag and time trigger on components states
Allow drag gestures and time trigger to transition from a component state to another. Now, only tap and hover triggers are available.
Anonymous commented
Just imagine what we could achieve if we were able to initiate auto animate, on time, within components......... the sky would be the limit, don't you think?
Katie commented
Component states are a HUGE time saver that keeps you from having to make additional artboards with mostly unchanged content. However, they're practically useless if you want to create a slideshow that automatically changes based on a time trigger.
Currently, I have to duplicate the artboard as many times as there are items in the slideshow, and change the image of the slideshow without touching anything else. This becomes extremely tedious if you need to change something in the artboard that is unrelated to the slideshow, as it has to be done on EVERY artboard.
Historically, I've pasted instances of the entire content block of the original artboard, but I can't do this for my current project because I can't Fix Position When Scrolling for nested objects (see this feature request that I posted over a year ago and still hasn't been acknowledged: https://t.co/4JciBGADg2?amp=1 )
I'd include a sample XD file, but it won't let me post.
dev commented
hi i suggest for adobe xd: in prototype we can animate one artboard to other artboard with time.if you add time for components trigger list,we can animate from default state to a lot of new state with time, then in one artboard we can have one component with a lot of animate with one subject.but now if we need animate with time we have to make a lot of artboard just for animate on subject.i can't speak english very well i am sorry. please dont share this message thanks.
Anonymous commented
Please Adobe this is a simple need fill it first
Anonymous commented
Drag Trigger would be great we can use it with auto animate for scrolling into a component
Aaron commented
Timed triggers for components would be great. Currently the workaround is to create a duplicate artboard with the component on a different state, and set a timer on the artboard. This isn't ideal especially when still making iterations on the rest of the artboard.
Andrew Hart commented
A component state change can only be initiated by a Hover or keyboard event. I would like to be able to trigger a state change by a Time event as well, in the same way that an Artboard transition can be triggered.
This also solves the most requested feature of allowing animation on individual elements by providing auto-animation between state changes.
Matt Prina commented
Just curious - if we can use the drag trigger to transition from one artboard to another why can't we use the drag trigger to transition from one state to another. Thank you for all the great feature updates you've been working on. I think this one would be very valuable.
/ / / L A D E Z O N E / / / commented
time triggerfor component states would be great for blinking cursors for example or to create some other neat animations.
Anthony Molina commented
I would like to have the ability to create looped icons. So in this situation, I was trying to create the simulation of the GPS animation dot to look live. What I did is create two artboards and time trigger to back and forth to simulate this look.
Amanda Innis commented
We need to be able to prototype flashing or blinking as well as scroll trigger animations. Can XD add these features?
A Haider commented
to animate photos in XD usually duplicate the artboard. my suggesting to adobe why can't you improve the software by adding keyframes instead to achieve that animation without duplicating the artboard, please find attached picture shows drag 3 pictures from right to left
Florian Purchill commented
The time trigger would be amazing. Looping between states would open a lot of new possibilities. Also it would be great if there is a possibility to set a random time trigger with a given span. So there could be an alert with "New notifications" at a random time which has to be dismissed.
mohamed minhaz commented
Not sure about drag trigger. But the time would be helpfull for button scale in/ down effect while clicking, otherwise there have to be a trigger called pressed
Carl И commented
I'm 99% sure they're working on this already, but I want to add a vote and comment just to make sure they know there's demand for this feature
Pravin commented
it would be best if we could add key frame animation with timeline to the object or component
Flip Santos commented
Would be great if we had a new time of trigger, based on wait time.
e.g.: Animate element after waiting 0,5 seconds.
That would allow us to make programmable animations, and also would help to deal with resets after some state change.
Anonymous commented
This would be a real game-changer. Please please please :D
Nathan Wells commented
This would be awesome.
Andrew Eugene commented
Currently, only artboards allow time triggers. Please allow a single object to be animated via time.
The idea is to continue an animation beyond two states without a user interacting with it.
Eg: A button activated by tap continues to animate from state to state without the users intervening.