Allow components event to change states of other components
New states feature is excellent but restricted for self components interaction. In many cases, especially in web and desktop apps, there are cases where a component event should affect another element on screen.
It would be a super powerful option to allow a component event to change states of another component.
Currently if i use component A inside component B, i can't use A to change state of B, even though A is part of B.
Amod commented
Yes! This is exactly what I'm looking for as well. This functionality would be transformative for me.
mjb commented
Now that Flash is defunct, is the time to rescue all the functionalities that had been perfectly worked out in it.
Movie clips and symbols in Flash should be taken as the foundation for how components and interactions work in XD. Why this is not the case is beyond me. Why does Adobe keep reinventing the wheel with a square?The way it all worked in Flash was tried and tested, it's a no-brainer!!!!!
Anonymous commented
I have created a component to 'Select' a record on my screen but also need an option to 'Select All' when there are multiple records displayed. This should theoretically change the state of each component instance to 'Selected'. It would be nice to be able to do this from one instance of the 'Select' component... linked to each other instance with an action to change from the default to 'Selected' state for all linked components
Andrew Freire commented
Yes please! Expecially a parent component. Like I have a Menu that I want to toggle open a side menu on tap. But I have to set clicking anywhere on the entire menu to trigger the interaction because I can't just place the listener on the hamburger menu icon..
Cameron Smith commented
Yes please! Was just trying to figure out if I can do this. Would be very very helpful.
Anonymous commented
please, add this feature. Really useful. I want for example have a component that hovering can show me a textbox, it is useful allow this.
Anonymous commented
YES that would be amazing and that would actually make sense... I mean that's how it is on a website so why not in XD ?
Anonymous commented
Ahh I just asked about something like that earlier as I don't want to make a bazillion artboards to simulate that..... do it, Adobe!
Jo yal commented
This will be useful to implement a 5 star rating interaction.
Clicking on the 5th star will light up all other 4 stars also.
Currently, this is not possible. -
Saman Salehi commented
This is not a feature... This is an absolute must!
Josh Oberst commented
How is this not a thing?
Anonymous commented
Not having this feature it makes prototyping anything but the simplest UIs very difficult. I was honestly shocked it wasn't already part of the product.
Anonymous commented
Yes, please implement this asap. It's such an essential feature in order to build a functional prototype for a desktop app.
Andrew Hart commented
I suggest this is done by adding the ability to Trigger a component state change when another component on the artboard changes state.
I have already made a request to allow a component to change state based on a Time event, so both requests could be grouped into a general upgrade to the component state change trigger mechanism.
Aestel commented
I would love to be able to to handle an object behavior from another one.
Examples : Tap an icon to change another component state or to reduce the opacity of a layer... etc..
It would decrease the number of artboards we use in our designs and simplify our work. -
Anonymous commented
Please add this feature. This is necessary for prototyping.
Anonymous commented
Please do it. I find it hard to believe that it's not already available. Other products have been able to do it for years. Without it, changing states is almost useless unless it is only the simplest of toggle switches.
Honestly, people know what a toggle switch looks like when it's on vs off, and people know what checkboxes look like when on vs off, so that is something you really don't need to prototype on its own. It's a lot of extra work with almost no reward.
Now, what ELSE happens when you turn something off or on, THAT is what matters and why you need to be able to show state changes. Otherwise, state changes are kind of unnecessary, or at least superfluous.
Anonymous commented
Please do it ! 🏆
Anonymous commented
I wanted to have an image with hotspots on which I can clic to show an info box. I can achieve that with states and shapes but if I wanted to use a component instead of a shape to have the hover effect, it wouldn't allow me to select a state, only another page.
Bartolomeo D'Alia commented
Absolutely a needed feature!!
It will saves a lot of time!