Swap components by right-click
Please enable the possibility to swap a component with another component via right-click. It could for instance be useful when swapping one button to a button with another colour from your component list.
Right now you have to drag it onto the artboard and place it using the align tools and delete the older one. This could be made much easier by just a right-click
vision09 commented
Definitely needed and in bulk as well. Having to drag twenty icons is "a drag." Editing the base component is not always an option when you simply want to globally replace it with an alternate.
You would also have to make sure that any prototyping linkage is preserved, you are only changing the component displayed. So if you wanted to change a button for example to a completely different style it would be easy to repalce for the entire document without losing the original button in your components panel.
Joe Morris commented
Feel like this would be easier than dragging.
Jay commented
To add some context of the desired UX here...
1. Select a component (lets say its a "Primary" Button)
2. Right-click on the Primary Button and navigate to "Swap instance..." in a contextual menu
3. A fly-out menu is shown with a list of the other related components ("Secondary", "Text-only", "Dense", for example).
4. Select the item to swap it with and they swap(This is a feature of Figma that is a huge time saver)
Hi Thomas,
You could Swap components by selecting the component you want to swap on canvas, then dragging another component from the assets panel on top of it.
For more details, please check: https://helpx.adobe.com/xd/help/components.html#swap-nested