Ability to clean up assets
It would be great to clean up assets in the Assets panel. To be able to identify duplicate and unused assets, fix them in the file and remove the extras.
Nathaniel Platts commented
Look!!!! Even Dani Beaumont (Adobe XD Evangelist and Instructor) thinks this is a pretty big issue with XD. I've personally been waiting for years for this to be taken care of. So tired of dealing with this silly issue. Please just fix it already. Or at least listen to your own people like Dani here in this quick snapshot:
Link to 5 second recording:
https://youtu.be/hi8yJPQG9OgThis should make the leadership team at XD at least consider moving out of the backlog.
Cubelodyte commented
Over the course of a complicated design project, many component assets can be added to a project document and then subsequently removed for various reasons.
In order to keep the document assets pool clean and manageable the designer will want to delete assets that have no instances in the document.This could be achieved by any of 3 methods.
1. Filter document assets to only show components with "No instances". Then the designer could select them all and "delete".
2. Sort document assets by number of instances in document. This would group the components with no instances at top or bottom allowing the same bulk delete ability.
3. Provide a single command to "Delete all unused components".
These function could, of course, apply to colors and font assets as well.
Felipe commented
I have issue when I duplicate a document and delete some artboards there is no quick way to remove all unused assets or to organise them somehow as "active" or "inactive". This is important on large projects.
Jason Merrill commented
YES, pretty please. big time waster without an auto clean feature.
Irsyad R commented
Yeah please add this feature
Henrik commented
I have issue deleting assets that are no longer on the artboard. It says 0 instances. But no option to delete
Kranti commented
Currently locating and deleting unused assets in an XD document is difficult, not user friendly at all. Please add a new feature to solve this problem.