image rotation in mask
There should be a way to rotate a photo inside a mask. Right now the whole mask rotates and not just the image. See example.
Carolyn Lonsdale commented
it's nearly 2024 and this feature is still yet to be added. why create half assed software Adobe?
Anonymous commented
Randy Edmunds (Sr. Computer Scientist, Adobe) commented:
"Yes, you can rotate image without also rotating mask."
"The image should give you rotation handles when it is selected."
Ok, I just have to comment here to point out how bonkers it is that a "Senior Computer Scientist" at Adobe is saying things about Adobe software that are obviously untrue. Perhaps I should give Randy the benefit of the doubt, perhaps he thought he was commenting in the InDesign Feature Request forum?
No Randy, you cannot rotate an image inside a mask while keep the mask locked in place. And no, when you select an image inside a mask, rotation handles do not appear.
It's crazy to me that you can't rotate an image inside a square in XD. Please add this feature it's super basic stuff and the lack of this feature is causing me sooo much extra work travelling to Photoshop and rotating an image, creating a copy of the original image, a "rotated version", just for XD designs. It's really kind of irritating.
Vlad Iepure commented
Please include this feature or more like fix this is bug…
Of course, there was no feedback because this is a basic feature. When users request something is usually related to the latest trending thing, but that doesn't mean that don't need the basics to be working.
As a decision philosophy, this is flawed—it's like saying you don't need salt because nobody is talking about salt.
Amit Chaudhari commented
but the shape also rotate.. i only rotata image but rotation time shapes and image rotate same
Gabriel commented
This is terrible. When will Adobe add this basic feature?
Anonymous commented
My understanding is that if you rotate a mask in XD and drop an image into it, the image's rotation will match that of the mask. Therefore, I have to rotate the image in Photoshop first before importing into XD.
Alternatively, I could re-design the mask in Illustrator.
Please tell me there is a simple solution, as this appears to be a fundamental flaw in functionality.
> Is there a way to rotate an image within a mask, leaving the mask in place.
Yes, you can rotate image without also rotating mask.
> An image inside a mask never gives you the cursor for rotating the image.
The image should give you rotation handles when it is selected.
I think the solution to both of these questions is the same. When you double-click on a Masked Object, the mask becomes selected. You'll need to change selection to the image.
If you're not sure how to select image, open the Layers panel -- it's usually easier to select it there.
And it you can't find a rotation handle on image you can also change rotation angle in PI.
Hope this helps,
Randy -
suspendedhatch commented
The admin should have tried that before suggesting it. An image inside a mask never gives you the cursor for rotating the image.
Ryan commented
Thanks for showing how to rotate a masked image. Is there a way to rotate an image within a mask, leaving the mask in place.
AdminCorey Lucier (Adobe) (Admin, Adobe) commented
Thanks for the feedback. In this instance you are correct, the shortcut mechanism for cropping an image fill doesn't allow the image fill itself to be transformed independent of the shape.
You could instead use mask with shape. Drag the image to the canvas, mask with a rectangle, then drill down by double clicking into the mask group and rotate your image there.