Show local link to cloud document (but still edit offline)
With the new version of XD, you now have 2 options to Save: Cloud Documents, Your Computer...
Say I've saved a file to Cloud Documents. If I want to work on this file offline, I have to plan ahead to save this file to my computer too; that's double the clicks. And I have to remember which file is the most up-to-date to replace the old one, which is not good user experience in terms of human memory. Can we have an option to automatically save a copy to our computers with Automatic Sync?
While I'm at it, can I suggest that these files be potentially saved in to Creative Cloud Files? It was very convenient to create many folders for the same project because I could store all files, including the XD document, its associated images, and possible .txt files. However, I now have to remember where to go to find all of these things and the names of the files they're associated with (I used to only have to remember the name of the folder containing everything).
Gregory Fitzgerald Phillips commented
What happens to the files after an account is closed in Adobe CC Membership?
For example, I'm working with my design team. I in a few weeks am no longer with the company and have moved on to a new opportunity. I still would like to have access to the files that contain work that could be used in a portfolio.In my example, this individual would need to have a local file that syncs to the cloud file. But I think before this could happen the Version Control of files needs a bit more work.
Petr Kulich commented
Linked, up-to-date, local copy of the cloud file. I don't want to search for my files on XD homescreen or on web in Assets. I want to have them in local directory with all my files. And be able to work on them offline as well as sync the changes with my collaborators.
Katie commented
Yes, I love it! As long as that file can still be accessed offline like it is now, that’s perfect!
Katie commented
Thank you for your quick response! I apologize, the tech support individual I spoke to this morning adviced I save 2 copies, so I was misinformed.
Yes, a link would be perfect for my organizational needs! When you say “store next to all your assets,” where would that be? I was specifically thinking about Creative Cloud Files, which works like a Drive in File Explorer of my Windows machine.