User-rights management in online prototype (permissions)
Users should have different statuses like admin, able to leave comments, just watch, disallow access to specific areas of the prototype.
sometimes users have to be able to look over an prototype but not to comment
some users might watch specific parts of a prototype but shell not see others
Fontella commented
I can't share our Design System with stakeholders, as they can modify an asset in the source file. One solution would be:
- In the invitation, you have 4 permissions options: "admin user", "can edit", "can share" and "can link assets".
- Who can link only, cannot edit the master file.
- Only admins can accept a merge request for updates to the source file.
- Display a message from who edited the file, when and what was edited.
- Editors and Admins can organize components in the source file into folders, and select the assets they want to share when a user links.