Exclude overlay artboard from arrow navigation on shared prototype
Able to remove an artboard from the prototype arrow navigation
I understand how the upload works, but i have a project where it would be nice to decide wich artboard can be accessible using arrows from the prototype.
My prototype start with a Dashboard, on the side menu (main nav), when you click a button, i want to show how the submenu will appear and its conent.
So i decided to make an artboard for the side menu only and wire my button with the submenu artboard and incrustate it in my dashboard artboard. Everything goes smooth and works exactly as intended.
However, when you switch between artboard using the arrows or keyboard, you can acces the submenu artboard only.
In conclusion, it would be nice to be able to use some artboard for the UX of the prototype but not be able to transition to it using arrows.
I have made a small demo for you :
TFranxx commented
I am also commenting to back up these claims, it makes a lot of sense to easily hide artboards in XD. Thanks guys
Ben Davis commented
I am also commenting to back up these claims, it makes a lot of sense to easily hide artboards in XD. Thank you for your time.
Anonymous commented
I got similar complaints from my clients, so I second this request for being (optionally) able to exclude overlay artboards from the arrow navigation in the webviewer.
Matt commented
I agree this is a bug, too. It stands to reason that the if interface allows you to "mark for export," that should mean anything that is *not* marked for export should *not* appear in the exported prototype.
Mark commented
It would be nice if the Adobe XD team allowed us to hide specific artboards from manual navigation. It would allow for us to manually step in and resolve the issue, without taking any functionality away from anyone else. It would be a non-destructive change. Just let us check a box in prototype view to not show in nav. Thanks!
Marco commented
I have the same 'problem' and agree; it would make sense to introduce an option to exclude overlay artboards from the shared prototype
Anonymous commented
Sometimes clients use the slides to visualize an prototype instead of clicking through it. In this case they often get a look at overlay-elements and so on, which are not thought to be a standalone element of the website. It would be easyer to exclude these elements from prototype view instead of explaining to the client that these elements are only overlay-elements (for example) which won't show up on an own sub page...