Shift + Drag Cursor To Select Multiple Artboards
I would like to be able to select multiple artboards but Xd forces you to choose each artboard by Shift + Clicking on each artboard name.
Instead, I would like to be able to Shift + Drag my cursor across multiple artboard names (the name in the top left corner of the artboard) to do a multi artboard selection.
I do not want my selection to target items inside the artboards. I want it to only select the artboards themselves.
XD enforces selection to be either artwork ("target items inside artboard") or artboards. Selection can never have a mix of artwork and artboards.
When you start a shift-drag (i.e. "marquee") selection, initially artwork is selected. After 1 entire artboard is selected, then the selection switches to artboards when the second artboard is hit.
Does that help?