"Hide Layout grid" shouldn't turn it off in Design Spec
When you hide layout grid in Design mode, you don't just hide it - you turn it off completely. That is a problem, becaouse when you do it, it disappears from Design Specs. So, either rename the command to "Turn off Layout grid" (because that's what really happens) and add another function for just hiding it, or allow its visibility in design spec even when its turned off.
Point is that when you do design you often hide the grid for better visibility. But - when you publish your design spec, you must remember to turn it on in all artboards, otherwise you cannot see it in your Spec. That is anoying.
Aaron Kwong commented
It's 2023 and requiring publishing with grids on in order for the option to toggle grids in the specs view is just ridiculous. The option to toggle grids on/off should be available by default regardless of whether it was published on or off in design.
Simon Petrus commented
Yes, the grid toggle option should always be available in the Spec URL. Please make it happen.